How Much the iPhone Camera Has Improved Over The Years (Side-By-Side Images)

by Ahmed Omar on October 24, 2011

The iPhone 4S’ 8 mega-pixel camera is one of the best smartphone cameras yet. This camera has been compared to a 3D Canon camera and it showed a great performance. However, starting from 2007, all iPhones showed very great performance.

Camera+’s founder Lisa Bettany has posted two image of a comparison between the original iPhone, iPhone 3G, iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4 and the iPhone 4. The photos showing a huge improvement in the iPhone’s camera over the last four years. The original iPhone looks very blurry and now the awesome quality.

The iPhone camera has been highly improved starting from the iPhone 3GS. As you can see from the comparison, the first two iPhones camera quality wasn’t really a priority for Apple.

Here’s another shoot:

(Via Gizmodo)

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  • miApples

    That is so AMAZING!
    Def worth a share!

  • Calvinc


  • NotAppleFan

    Go compare with Android, Sony Ericsson. You’ll notice that your rotten apple is only a beautiful piece of crap!!!

  • Tariq Mohammad

    Who told you to give your Opinion ?.. if you are not a apple fan.. this place is not for you.. go and do shit some where else..

  • Applesucksdick

    nothing amazing…its just a phone and a camera

  • Alharbiramzi_93

    and is not just for u either its for everybody opinino

  • Lol123

    I lol’d

  • bob

    the first two pictures are only focused on the background. notice the hardline of the countertop/wall intersection as it progresses. It gets blurrier because it is no longer the point of focus

  • miApples

    Reply to NAF’s comment:

    Go compare with Android, Sony Ericsson. You’ll notice that your rotten apple is only a beautiful piece of crap!!!”

    Mate I have & Test/Use/Review all brands of phones/pads & more & give a balanced report without prejudice & without arrogance for a certain publication & do so daily.

    So good for you with you’re opinion that is just that … YOU’RE opinion!

  • NotAppleFan

    Finally here comes someone without blind support and with reasonable comment. Thank you.

    Sorry if my previous comment sounds arrogance to you but I just try to wake those stupid apple fans up.
    My present comment may sound arrogant too but I wish to stress that I’m just an ordinary smartphone user. I’ve tried each and every available phone platform. I just can’t see anything special about apple product that some people is stupidly and blindly supporting. Frankly, there are things worth supporting on apple products but when one thinks about Bluetooth transferring, it sucks!!!

    I think it’s sufficient to highlight this point alone instead of making lengthy submission. Agree?

  • Nelly Moake

    I love apple but i also know apple does not have the best software out there