Download Absinthe 2.0 Untethered Jailbreak For iOS 5.1.1

by Eduardo on May 25, 2012

The wait is finally over. Absinthe 2.0 download is available now for the jailbreak community. Using the latest version of Absinthe jailbreak tool, users will be able to jailbreak iOS 5.1.1 untethered on iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. The release comes to us from famous iOS hacker and jailbreaker Pod2g, who has been working very hard on this jailbreak for quite some time now.

Download Absinthe 2.0 Jailbreak

Absinthe jailbreak tool was initially released to jailbreak iOS 5.0.1 untethered on iPhone 4S and iPad 2. The same untethered exploit was then implemented in to Redsn0w as well as cinject. The basic purpose of all of these tools was the same, jailbreaking iOS 5.0.1 untethered on the aforementioned devices. Absinthe is available for both Windows and Mac, so there are no compatibility issues.

MuscleNerd of the iPhone Dev Team has confirmed redsn0w and cinject will soon be updated with the capability to jailbreak iOS 5.1.1 untethered. Right now Absinthe 2.0 download for both Windows and Mac is available. Absinthe jailbreak tool is developed by the Chronic Dev Team. This tool really simplifies the whole jailbreak process, effectively reducing the whole procedure to a couple of clicks only.

Absinthe 2.0 download can be obtained from the links below. This tool will jailbreak iOS 5.1.1 untethered on New iPad, iPad 2, original iPad, iPhone 4S, iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, iPod touch 3G, iPod touch 4G and Apple TV 2G. If you rely on a software unlock for your iPhone, hold off upgrading to iOS 5.1.1 until an unlock is available, and until redsn0w is released which allows you to preserve unlockable baseband. If you upgrade your iPhone to stock iOS 5.1.1 firmware in hopes jailbreaking it, do remember that your baseband will be upgraded causing you to lose software unlock on your iPhone. If you are happy with your carrier locked iPhone, you can update to this latest firmware without any worries and jailbreak instantly.

Download for Mac OS X
Download For Windows

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  • Sean

    doesnt work for windows

  • Matthew Apollo

    windows is a no go. my MSDOS just went haywire with executions and self closed. nothing else.

  • Hamza_younis 97

    It doesn’t work i tried on 2 iphones 4s !!!!

  • OUT

    worked for me

  • OUT

    I did it on my iPhone 4 and getting ready to on iPad

  • Richard A. Vasquez

    does it really work? I dont want to update to 5.1.1 for nothing !

  • Sean

    like how?

  • John_king54

    When will redsnOw be out? To preserved basrband

  • Biaviian

    It works for me on Windows 7 X64 with iPhone 4s.

  • raul

    worked for me on one of my hp win 7 laptop, but failed on asus win 7 ???

  • Guild

    Link not working for windows.

  • Lala

    Did not work for me on Windows. Constantly got stuck when it said its waiting to complete. A couple of times says it couldn’t connect to “lockdownd”


    It works! 1st msdos will open and the filed will be extracted(mine extracted on the desktop) try to run Absinthe from the folder that is extracted

  • Victor Castelo

    I tried here, on Windows 7, the software said it was done, but Cydia hadn’t appeared on Springboard…
    Actually, the device was already in lockscreen when the process was being completed, and I guess it was supposed to be completed, or not? Then, appeared a message saying my iPhone 4 was locked again (SIM locked) and a button to unlock it, luckly the unlock was successful, cause if it it wasn’t, I’d have to restore…

  • Anonymous

    Damn I have the iPad 2,4… jailbreak for me. :(

  • Losty

    Um, that is creating the files. You should see a folder named absinthe-win-2.0 wherever you ran the file from. In there is absinthe and the data folder it needs.

  • Dhafer Al-Rasheed

    i have got a message say ” something goes wrong ” then jailbreak fail , it advise me to re jailbreak, but it fails again and again.

    Windows 7 64

  • CAG

    me too! exact same thing

  • Keith Lemon

    I have an Iphone 4s which is already unlocked to all networks as I actually bought the phone….I am currently on ios 5.1 so firstly would i have to upgrade to 5.1.1 and secondly will my phone be locked to one network only

  • RAJ128

    Thanks…working on 4S

  • Jacklover

    hahahhaa sure you can jailbreak to ios 5.1.1

  • Jay_19_smith

    hi im a bit stuck i downloaded absinthe but thought i did it wrong and then did it again and got it working now all i get is near the end hmm something has gone wrong and then a msg saying you can unplug and try again i have tried loads and nothing any help would be much appreciated thanks

  • Gravity

    Worked like a charm (New iPad 32GB)

  • Jor2_nesw

    Firstly remove all your data and settings, than jailbreak it and finally restore from backup. Did the trick with me

  • John_king54

    Can we preserved our iPhone 4s baseband with redsnOw? Or with any other software

  • Keith Lemon

    I cannot update iphone 4s to ios 5.1.1…..It just keeps saying verifying update…Been on now for at least 40mins….

  • Dhafer Al-Rasheed

    Did it work ?

    cos I did what u said but nothing was done

  • Dan

    what’s happening to the link
    It says that we are sorry we couldn’t locate your file
    could you upload it again

  • Vince

    why does it say page not found? Absinthe for windows…

  • Coryb6

    whats is wrong with the windows link

  • Dhafer Al-Rasheed

    How do I know My iPad2 is 2.4 or else ?

  • L_boogie

    it says page not found for Mac OS X

  • Chamroeun_ouk

    bad link!

  • Akon

    Can someone please post a working/mirrored link to the download of Absinthe 2.0 for OSX? :)

  • Ajawhar963

    can i update to 5.1.1 and JB my iphone if i depend on ultrasn0w to unlock my device. the post didn,t mention any thing about BB upgrade.

  • Caffe


    iPhone 4
    iOS 5.1.1
    Windows 7, 64bit

  • Caffe

    Absinthe crashes while jailbreaking.

  • Jumping Beaver

    same issue :(

  • Keith Lemon

    Dont matter now as i repaired the phone myself…..Thanks guys for no help….So if you get the problem i had well solve it yourself as it took me a while to sort it out…

  • guest

    is it working on ıphone 4s ıos 5.1.1?

  • Toecutter

    Well… maybe I’ve missed a post on this already, but here goes… had *no* problem at all during JB…all I did was the OTA update, fully charged battery, disabled the lockscreen pw, and everything went like clockwork. Only “hiccup” post-JB was that iBooks disappeared and I had one white icon. Fixed those issues. Immediately noticed, however, battery slowly starting its decline. All I installed tweak-wise was SBSettings, AndroidLock XT, and iWipe Cache (sp?). At 11pm last night, battery was at 85%, put iPad (new one) in airplane mode, closed it, went to bed…up this morning at 7 and found the battery had completely drained. So… anyone else had this issue? If so, thoughts on a fix? Thanks!

  • me

    Get over yourself.

  • Toecutter

    Quick Addendum to my last post… forgot that I also have Activator, SplitMail, and something called TaptoWiggle (think that’s it)… no other tweaks. Would be interested in hearing if anyone else has noticed dramatic battery drain as noted below. Thanks again.

  • Hilal Mohideen

    hey guys,

    i heard dat Absinthe 2.0.2 is gonna cm out, this will be used to jb ios 5.1.1 9B208.

    my question is : when’s it gonna be available for public download?

    Please get back to me ASAP…

    Thanks guys…

  • Demonz1283

    Ok I updated my iPhone 4s to 5.1.1 and absinthe is saying that my iPhone is not supported by this jailbreak and my baseband is 9B206 what’s wrong can someone help

  • wardy7763

    i cannot dl it on to my mac as it says it cannot find the file.


    Works great on “new iPad 64GB AT&T” & my “new iPad 64GB WIFI”

    Only problem is when synced it didn’t recognize the cracked apps in iTunes from old jailbroken iPad 64!

    Had to redownload all Cydia apps and purchases and put everything in folders again….



  • Anonymous

    Have you noticed any increased battery drain since jb’ing?

  • PhoneHell

    Working like charm

  • Tefler

    Im jailbroken on 5.01 not updating 2 much work won’t gain anything but this is good news for those not Jb yet

  • Tefler

    Try someone else’s pc

  • Schepens Aster

    Has aninoby got a solution?

  • A Guy

    The Page can’t be found? PLEASE FIX THIS!!

  • Kopper3377

    Thank you

  • Tayboy_80

    The above link is not working. Please advise.

  • Cyn

    I’m trying to jailbreak my Sprint iPhone 4S (5.1.1) but after restore process it passes some time and then Absinthe says “something went wrong” and to “try jail breaking it again”. What’ am I doing wrong? I cleared all data and made a back up to my iTunes, then I opened Absinthe and clicked “jailbreak” everything was doing fine until that and I get no Cydia on my iPhone’s desktop. =/

  • Dxfolder

    same issue – but no fix found yet.

  • alfred

    doesnt find the page to download absinthe 2.0.. where else can i find it?