Apple’s Reality Distortion Field [InfoGraphic]

by nanopitech on October 22, 2012

It seems as if people are caught up in Apple’s web, it’s quite true apple is more like a cult and this infographic shows why people buy Apple products, what keeps them from guying them and how they feel about the products once they have bought them.

There is a difference in the way fans of Apple think about Apple products, it somehow makes them act differently. It might be there is the famous reality distortion field associated with Steve Jobs or it might be that Apple really makes some superb products. The survey behind this infographic quantifies the thinking behind Apple, and it also measures the differences of opinion between Apple Fans and Apple Haters.

A lot of people go along with the fact that Apple makes superior products in comparison with its competitors. However, 48% of the adults in the USA who have never owned an Apple product think that Apple products are not worth the money, they are not that great, and that devotees of Apple are downright insane. A number of people in this group cannot afford Apple’s products.

Where is the truth in all of this? It was not the subjective opinions and feelings that had to be measured. What was supposed to be measured was the difference in thinking between those who prefer Apple products and those who don’t.

AYTM research tapped into its database of 4.5 million customers and came up with all the data that you can see in the infographic.

Here is how you can understand the infographic better; on the left side there are people who have not bought Apple products and on the right are the people who have bought Apple products.

So what’s your take on all of this? Distorted or is it real? You decide.

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