iPhone 3GS Baseband Downgrade Coming After iOS 5 Release, Confirmed!

by Ahmed Omar on September 18, 2011

Well well well, look at what we have found in MuscleNerd’s Twitter timeline. Since the iPhone Dev Team promised they’ll release a solution to downgrade iPhone 3GS baseband 6.15.00 to 5.13.04, it looks like they’ll do that soon.

Downgrade 6.15 Baseband
MuscleNerd, in to someone asking about any news regarding iPhone 3GS baseband to fix GPS problem, confirmed that the team will release a solution to downgrade 06.15.00 baseband to 05.13.04 baseband just after the iOS 5 is released. He said that for some reason he won’t release the solution before iOS 5 public release which expected to be between the end of September to start of October.

Downgrade Baseband 6.15 status:

jntacid: @MuscleNerd men any news about 06:15 downgrade, i need my nike+Gps
MuscleNerd: there’s a good reason to not release anything like downgrade that before iOS5 (though sometimes I think I overthink it!)

As Limera1n.cc points out, it’s most probably the solution to downgrade 6.15.00 baseband to fix GPS problem is almost completed, but as usual all hackers are holding their major hacks, jailbreaks and unlocks after iOS 5 release to keep them away from Apple hands.

On the other hand, the Chornic Dev Team has announced, during MyGreatFest, that they’ve 5 userland jailbreak exploits which will be released for iPad 2 and iPhone 5 on iOS 5 untethered as soon as it’s released. We’re also waiting for a major Redsn0w upgrade tonight or tomorrow which will bring so many features.

We highly expect good news for the jailbreak community in the next few days. Hopefully, stay tuned on CydiaHelp and we’ll bring more news!

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    please helpme my iphone 3gs don´t show wifi , bb ,bluetooth imei please HELP

  • Asdf

    bess there coming close

  • Sdfdsfgdfg Gbmfbm

    Heard the same thing a year ago but then it was after iOS4

  • InHomer

    This is just hot air, they included upgrading to this baseband in of their tools I think redsn0w when they knew good it will mess up your device. They better work on downgrading the CO2 coming from their mouths before they think of doing so on the devices.

  • DB

    Although ios 5 has been already released, no sign of downgrade. I think it will never come.

  • Moe

    ios 5 is not fully released yet the GM version is but not the full because if apple finds this downgrade they can just patch it and wallah no downgrade on ios 5 so we might as well wait another week or so :)

  • Hgf

    For those with iPad BB…Just run iOS5 upgrade from iTunes, and it will overwrite your iPad BB. It worked for me. Another issue is activating the phone. For some reason it won’t activate, but I guess I will have to use redsn0w to take care of it…

  • http://www.facebook.com/bhanwargupta Bhanwar Gupta

    MY Iphone always searching for network :(

    iPhone 3GS (new-bootroom) upgraded to iOS5
    iPad 06.15.00 BB
    Custom iOS5 IPSW made with sn0wbreeze
    Location Services – OFF
    Location Services while intial setup – DISABELED
    Jailbroken with RedSn0w 0.9.9b4
    unlocked with ultaSn0w 1.2.4

    Please Help !!

    Bhanwar Gupta

  • http://www.facebook.com/bhanwargupta Bhanwar Gupta

    MY Iphone always searching for network :(

    iPhone 3GS (new-bootroom) upgraded to iOS5
    BaseBand – 06.15.00 BB
    Offical IPSW – iPhone2,1_5.0_9A334_Restore.ipsw
    Location Services – OFF
    Location Services while intial setup – DISABELED
    Jailbroken with RedSn0w 0.9.9b4
    unlocked with ultaSn0w 1.2.4

    Please Help !!

    Bhanwar Gupta

  • Oliverrammo

    any news?

  • Guest

    Wher is the Downgrade???

  • http://twitter.com/nathanaelwarren Nathanael Warren

    It probably won’t activate because IOS 5 upgrade doesn’t really upgrade the baseband successfully–it just leaves iPad baseband 6.15 in an unstable state, resulting in the SIM reader not working. The only way I’ve been able to activate my 3GS on IOS 5 is to reflash the iPad baseband 6.15 using redsn0w, but this results in other issues like my email won’t work and Safari crashes :P Let me know if you have any luck–I’m definitely looking forward to a way to get rid of this loathsome 6.15 baseband.

  • Amw

    turn off the location services it will help !

  • Rebelcbc

    is there any solution about gps issue fixing on bb 06.115.00 for iphone 3gs?

  • Frank Camacho

    Is there any new yet on when the downgrade will be out?

  • Schummi_3

    Please can someone work on downgrade of Ipad Baseband. This was promised from MuscleNerd and now we need to go bask in to our original iphone baseband. We are missing GPS, Push notifications and now in IOS 5 we are having no reception of service

  • http://uniondesign.ca DL

    A month ago I bought a used jailbroken and unlocked 3GS thinking I could just do a fresh restore in iTunes. I suffered through 8 hours of error messages before giving up on an official restore. To unbrick the phone I did a jailbreak of 4.3.5 using redsn0w. I had a working phone again but it was jailbroken (ugh) and had no GPS because it was on baseband 06.15.00. Not sure if the iPad baseband was my fault or the previous owner. Oh well.

    Today I updated to iOS 5 using a custom IPSW (no baseband update) created in redsn0w 0.9.9b5. To my surprise, after doing the manual restore in iTunes the phone seems to be working fine! My SIM card still works… I can make calls… my email works… Safari doesn’t crash. And best of all, it’s no longer jailbroken!

    One problem, when I enable location services and launch the Maps application I lose my cellular signal… and the signal starts going up and down until I restart the phone. But it seems as long as I keep location services off… the phone holds onto it’s cell signal just fine.

    I’m wondering now if I should tempt fate and try an official iTunes restore which would include baseband 05.16.05. Worse case I could use redsn0w to go back to the iPad baseband.

  • T00c00l4m3

    I don’t think MuscleNerd has downgrade baseband…… he properly look into it but it’s not working out.

  • http://twitter.com/nathanaelwarren Nathanael Warren

    I don’t think it will work, but if it does, tell me! It would be big news. As far as I know, 6.15ers are stuck on 6.15 until Apple releases some IOS update which forces a baseband upgrade or (less likely) a hacker develops a baseband downgrade :P

  • http://uniondesign.ca DL

    Ya… I don’t think I’m going to press my luck. Everything I’ve read everywhere says there’s no escape from 06.15.00 land. Maybe my 3GS is working on iOS 5 / 06.15.00 without a jailbreak and unlock because my SIM is from the carrier that the phone was originally locked to.

    BTW, I see that redsn0w 0.9.9b6 came out today with a fix for the location services problems. I’m tempted to run it but I hate having to deal with this jailbreak and unlock nonsense. I’ll probably just live without… be happy with my NON-jailbroken phone and hold out hope that some day the dev team release a fix that annoying iPad baseband (i.e. downgrade).

  • dwightshrute

    any update on the downgrade from 06.15.00 or a GPS fix? iOS5 has been out for a while now….

  • Tsneldo

    This worked for me. I had an iPhone 3GS on 4.3.3. forgot which baseband, was one that couldn’t be unlocked.
    I first upgraded to iOS 5.0 using iTunes 10.5. I did all the intial setup on 5.0 and still selected location as on. I then jailbroke using resn0w 9.9b4. After this I jailbroke again and installed baseband 06.15.00. I then used ultasn0w 1.2.4 and unlocked the phone. Works fine. I’m on T-Mobile and get a signal. I don’t have data set up on my service so don’t know if its working, but the wifi is fine

  • Mattedwards15

    I have an iPhone 3gs on BB 6.15 I upgraded to ios 5 and sued redsnow 9.9b4 to jailbreak it. upon initial setup i turned the location services off and even set up my phone as a new phone i installed ultrasn0w 1.2.4 yet my phone is constantly searching for a signal please help!

  • http://uniondesign.ca DL

    Try redsn0w 0.9.9b6

  • Sherif

    Sherif Hashim gave a shot blad blad blad Fail….. Keep in mind Jailbreak is first priority and IOS 5 wont be easy specially Apple stepped up their SHSH blog. That’s alone enough to keep them busy for a while …….. dont forget Dev team do this for hobby so i doubt the downgrade coming any time soon.

  • moonduke

    I have also an iphone 3gs with the 06.15 bb. but my mobile is since last week unlocked from the service provider. can i update and everything will work do i need still a jailbreak because of the baseband 06.15?


  • Nelson-campos

    Ohhh why did i updated my BB to 6.15!… whyyyyy! :(

  • http://uniondesign.ca DL

    The 06.15.00 baseband just means you can never do a stock restore with iTunes. Doing so results in errors. It doesn’t mean you need to jailbreak. You just need to use a custom IPSW file that doesn’t attempt to update the baseband. Here’s what you do:

    1. Create a custom IPSW file with redsn0w 0.9.9b6
    2. Put the phone in DFU mode
    3. Launch iTunes and option-click restore
    4. Browse to your custom IPSW file and proceed

    That said, there’s a problem with iOS5 with 06.15.00 baseband. Location Services kills your cellular signal. Yes, BB 06.15.00 is the “gift” that just keeps on giving. First it killed our GPS and now it kills our cell signal with Location Services turned on. Two possible solutions:

    1. If you’re not jailbroken, just keep Location Services turned off at all times
    2. Jailbreak with redsn0w 0.9.9b6 (this jailbreak includes a fix for the network crash)

  • http://uniondesign.ca DL

    In my case I unwittingly bought a used 3GS online that had BB 06.15.00. I figured I could just do a restore in iTunes. I even asked the seller if I could undo the jailbreak with an iTunes restore. He said yes but I have a feeling he knew that wasn’t the case. He was probably selling the phone specifically BECAUSE he screwed it up with 06.15.00. Nice.

  • Yoshie1298

    Wish there was some way i could help speed up this downgrade base band process, im really wanting to downgrade mine badly !

  • Andrey

    i 2

  • Mattedwards15

    i just tried that and i got the same problem

  • http://uniondesign.ca DL

    Sorry. Don’t know. redsn0w 0.9.9b6 was supposed to fix that problem.

  • 115thdream

    Me too

  • xsinux

    its been too long. Probably the Nerd has a misplaced muscle and trying to recover.

  • Don_omar03

    i fix my iphone 3gs baseband 6.15.00 no service no signal
    1- put you iphone dfu mode
    2- go to itunes 10.5 and restore to ios 5 wait to finish restoring
    3- open redsnow 0.9.9b6 go extra en select ipsw ios 5 go back and select jailbreak and install cydia
    4- select cydia and install ipad baseband (overwirite ipad babseband) and proceed
    5- do the Thethered to active you iphone
    6- setup the iphone enable location on
    7- go to cydia and install ultrasnow 1.2.4
    i do that and my iphone go back to signal
    NO more No SErvice

  • http://uniondesign.ca DL

    Did you try re-flashing the baseband with the iPad baseband?

  • Boricuoso02

    thanks for this u help me with this

  • Popoy

    Fixed my iphone 3GS baseband 6.15 (NO SERVICE) with

    1. Jailbreak iOS5 with Redsnow 0.9.9b6
    2. Do tethered boot only
    3. Install Ultrasnow 1.2.4 using Cydia on iphone


    Thanks Don Omar03

  • Don_omar03

    ok no problem estamos a la orden

  • Tizwiz065

    Hi I have jail broken iPhone 3 gs with redsnow chose a old Ipswich which was 4.1 something anyway did jailbreak on ios5 chose to install and change to iPad basebandi now have with on every network signal is working but have to put back in dfu to go in extra on redsnow to just boot every time phone is switched off and on again. From fizzes

  • http://uniondesign.ca DL

    That’s correct. There is no unteathered iOS5 jailbreak out yet.

  • Spatan1337

    I read the other instruction said install cydia, install ipad baseband and deactivate. But i hope you’re right cause i don’t want to deactivate. Thanks dude :)

  • Zoonvanjohan

    Wow, that’s a lot of hate I read here. I know it’s frustrating that there’s no downgrade, but keep in mind that 1) These are hobbyists doing this for fun and trying to help people and 2) you were !warned! before updating to 06.15.

    I too ignored the warning and am waiting desperatly for the BB downgrade, but please, keep some respect for those trying to fix other peoples problems.

    Unless you think you can do it better? In that case, please prove it by posting a downgrade fix! …

  • Zoonvanjohan

    w00ps, that should’ve been a new post, not a repy ..


    Worked like a charm! By the way, if you have an old bootrom 3GS, you can run iOS5 UNtethered!

  • http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=665390246 Pedro Bros

    My iphone 3gs is unthethered. i have ipad baseband 6.15 but have the gps problem

  • bre

    My GPS signal works fine since i upgraded to 4.3.3. I haven’t test it that much, but every time i click the location icon on maps, it finds my location very accurately.

  • http://uniondesign.ca DL

    Is the dot pulsing? If not, that’s not GPS… that just Wi-Fi triangulation.

  • Yoshie1298

    Has anyone herd anything new from mustlenerd or anything about the downgrade, IOS5 Has been out now.

  • http://uniondesign.ca DL


  • Saphea007

    Fix battery issues too :)

  • Kill Itunes

    What I dont get is, why the Dev Team and other JB,Hack developers give ITUNES so much power? There has to be a way to install any IOS on any device (UNLOCK RELATED) with simple application IOS installer.
    No itunes error to freak anyone out!!!!!

  • Ogan315

    Hi guys,
    When expect the right software solution on iPhone 3GS 06.15.00 iPad Baseband with GPS issues ?

  • usa_dot

    Empty promises bla bla bla. These days dev team is not the same. I guess all their ideas are uselles.
    Why oh why we did put the iPad baseband…

  • http://uniondesign.ca DL

    To be fair MuscleNerd’s tweet mentioned in this post didn’t promise anything. The title of the post is a little misleading. But I’m with ya. I’m also very upset about the iPad baseband issue. Oh well.

  • Itech

    but mate if you will on your location or google Map search where you are it will crash your wifi and network !!!! Mind it you will get problam i am 100% Sure :)

  • Allan

    my 3gs is also untethered on ios5

  • Allan

    use redsn0w 09.9b7, choose stock ios5 firmware, then choose jailbreak button. restart. enter cydia, install ultrasnow. restart.

  • Jam

    Update #7c: For those 3GS owners with the 06.15 baseband (and only those owners!), version 0.9.8b7c allows you to restore to the stock 4.3.5 IPSW, then simply run redsn0w to jailbreak. (redsn0w has a built-in fixrecovery that will get you past the Error 1015 you’ll see when you try to restore to the stock 4.3.5 IPSW with a 06.15 baseband)

    I guess that doesn’t really help, does it…

  • Kalabann

    Nice job 6.15.. U screwed me up pretty well!!! Y!!!

  • Swclipper

    I Agree! I hate these f’n errors why not make it simple and skip iTunes?



  • Guest

    so any news yet? any fix for iphone 3G?

  • Icemail

    still waiting

  • Heliumrausch

    same here… 3g and no gps…

  • Nelson Campos

    I gotta tell, Apple made some job hidding the way to downgrade basebands! No-one done it before. It would mean the unlock of all devices. Pretty sweet

  • Hafsteinssoningi

    well thats great Don, if you dont get error 11, error 2005, and error 93 something. iv tried everything tiny umbrella

  • Nipuna Perera

    Still nothing? Sigh!

  • Goudi Parisiano

    Still nothing?

  • Harrysid42

    i restore my i phone 3gs last month direct click on i tune software update. i tune update baseband as well, now my phone on 4.1 custom firmware, but doesn’t show any baseband.. how can i fix it?……? please someone can help me….. thanks…

  • http://www.facebook.com/people/Paola-Alina-Grigore/ Paola Alina Grigore

    anche io sono in attesa, ios 5 installato baseband 6.15 gps morto

  • Pio

    Any news about baseband downgrade ?

  • http://pulse.yahoo.com/_RJ3B7BSN5BSA62J6DR6RE52LHM sky

    i can’t unlock my iphone 3gs iOS 5.0.1 baseband 06.15.00. is there any way to downgrade baseband to 05.13.04?

  • No

    sooo…………. PLEASE HELP

  • Lol

    5.15 u cant or if u have 6.15 is ipad bb u can unlockit with ultrasnow 1.2.4

  • lizard

    if they manage to downgrade i will run outside with my underpants :)

  • Becana

    They can and have done it but they don’t want to release it because it’s not perfect. If anything were to interrupt the downgrade the phone would be bricked. Personally, I’m willing to take that chance. It’s an ancient phone anyway.

  • mister_X

    When they would release a stable downgrade-posibility… Will this fix the GPS Problem too?

  • http://pulse.yahoo.com/_XL25IIDCR5H4MN4KHJNMZYVKQA Remco Mosselman

    Same here….
    Risk is ok to take….

  • dan s

    2:02 AM 11/25/2011, still no fix. ihate u ipad firmware!

  • Bubu

    I can live without gps right now but my device eats it battery like a crocodile, and i have career problem i get all the time “no service”.If someone has found a fix for my problems it would be nice to let me know about.

  • Florin

    I think it is not gonna come. EVER. So we better have a new iPhone with gps functionality.

  • Parhnoied

    LOL I find all of this funny, with everyone complaining about the inability to downgrade the 6.15.00 bb because of a few gps problems I upgraded to 6.15 long time ago and have never wanted to go back. Maybe i was just lucky the only problem i had was the loss of “some” gps capability but thats it and being that everyone is now mad about apple tracking the iphones with gps and so forth i guess this little mishap is now a plus lolololololol.

  • kazekage

    baseband 6.15:00 will work,if i upgrade to ios 5 on my 3gs,now iam on 4.1,mine is not factory unlocked

  • Bercana

    It will crash your cellular network too. Also, once you update to 6.15.00 you can never ever ever go back to standard Apple update. Ever. You always have to jailbreak or use a custom IPSW through iTunes.

  • Spamdavy

    any updates on fixing the GPS and battery life issues on the 3GS with 6.15.00 baseband?

  • Jasminutic

    any info???

  • Alankeal

    Any new update to when BB Downgrade will be possible.? We are waiting. Patiently.!!!

  • Bercana

    My guess? Never.

  • TJHooker

    I don’t mind the 6.15, but wish I could get iOS 5.

  • furio mil

    Hi DL, may I bother you. (my english is very poor but I´ll try)
    I have a 3GS model MC.. (new bootrom) – 4.3.3 – BB 6.15 – everything works fine except for the GPS and i´m having this No Service/No Signal issue.
    I´ve been reading Don-omar3 comments about how to fix this installing IOS 5 and doing the JB with redsnow. Still i´ll be tethered right? Do you know how to fix error 11, error 2005, and error 93 that Hafsteinssoningi said?
    Sorry i´m very likely to try this just to get my signal/service back.
    Would it be worthy?

    thanx for your time.

  • furio mil

    HI all (my english is very poor but I´ll try)
    I have a 3GS model MC.. (new bootrom) – 4.3.3 – BB 6.15 – everything works fine except for the GPS and i´m having this No Service/No Signal issue.
    I´ve been reading Don-omar3 comments about how to fix this installing IOS 5 and doing the JB with redsnow.
    Still i´ll be tethered right?
    Do you know how to fix error 11, error 2005, and error 93 that Hafsteinssoningi said?
    Sorry i´m very likely to try this just to get my signal/service back.
    Would it be worthy?

    thanx for your time.

  • Nanoluis

    Any news about downgrading 6.15.00 BB on 3gs yet? Phone not working meanwhile.

  • Inspection84

    my problem is does iphone 3gs 4.21 bb6.15 upgrade to os 5.01 jailbroken can be upgrade in semi tethered condition ?

  • davkay70

    furio mil downgrade to 4.1 as apple still sign that for you < snowbreeze cfw to 4.1 and resore you shuld be good if not tiny umbreller with your shsh blobs you be good to go

  • eslam

    Any news about downgrading 6.15.00 BB on 3gs yet? ios 5.1 jailbreak is done !!!!! what r u waiting for !!!!!

  • guest

    aaah man!

    My Iphone 3G is eating dust and waiting/hoping for a GPS fix.
    I am still on BB 5.15.04 locked :( AND don’t want to upgrade to Ipad BB.
    Don’t want to loose any chance when There will be SOMEDAAAAAAY a freaking downgrade of BB to fix the GPS issue, cause I need it !

    so, hope waiting all this time will be worth it … and won’t take too long … ?..?.? … !!


  • kakamna

    ihave iphone 3gs downgrade iPhone 3GS baseband 6.15.00 hocan posibell pls tell me

  • I the k

    lets wait for ios 6 and see what happens

  • Og

    You can wait for iOS 7 and get the same :)

  • Manz

    Bloody hell, looks like it isn’t gonna happen :(

  • Classicberlin

    can you help me unlock mine-nothing works! tried everything!

  • Karan 08

    My 3GS is on iOS 5.0.1 untethered JB iPad baseband and the GPS is working fine.. is this even possible?

  • test

    try on a tomtom application and tell us if your gps still work

  • pho3nix

    im a coder………i have went through it……..i know for a fact these guys new what would happen using ipad base band with iphone…….2 diffrent hard ware codes……….im guessing there in with apple to screw your phones so you up apples sales…………..these ipad to iphone baseband coders cheated all of you….and knew just what would happen and if they didnt……then they are retarded geriatric..pis poor coders

  • Pho3nix

    and yes downgrading is as easy as pie………..as long as you dont loop the chip when writing…..

    you all should look into having new bb chip installed.

  • Pho3nix

    apple wanted jailbroke apple wanted pirate apps…for free…….this boosts iphone sales greatly…….all the nerds and geo’s……..have and are under apples wings……..but by law apples phone were supposed to be secure………so publickly the say pirates……..and behind closed doors they jump for joy……..for the money just rolls in………..

    stop buying these fook tard apple phones…….mr. general public……….stop playing there games……

  • Marthineg

    Try the navigation instead of maps. If it’s working, you lucky guy.

  • Karan 08

    Haha.. i remember the otherday i was navigating via edge and it worked.. yay! :D

  • http://uniondesign.ca DL

    Having the phone acquire your location in the Maps app (if that’s what your statement is based on) does not necessarily mean the GPS is working.

  • Bercana

    I haven’t the faintest idea what you just attempted to say.

  • Karan 08

    what else is GPS supposed to do?

  • http://uniondesign.ca DL

    Maps is usually able to get a position via WiFi triangulation. So getting a position doesn’t mean the GPS (satellite positions) is working. GPS allows you do do accurate turn-by-turn car navigation and such. And it would also give you a position if you’re in the middle of the countryside. WiFi triangulation will usually only work in densely populated areas. And even then it’s not as accurate. GPS can be accurate down to a few meters. I think if the dot in the Maps app is pulsing… that means it’s a GPS position. If it’s not… it’s just WiFi triangulation.

  • Pho3nix

    if you were a coder than you know that you have to fault the chip to inject your code inorder to be able to get control of the micro………….and write your code………these guys are so far up apples but its crazy……and real coders keep there code to themselves…….not go seeking fame…….to us real coders and fault producers……..there just in it for the fame not the love…. do you know what a crc check is….

  • Pho3nix

    id like to see these guys get into dishnetwork or bell expressvu micro………lmao…..there just kiddies

  • Pho3nix

    just get your bga chip replaced……….its 90 bucks…….and these retard wanna be coders geo and nerd and the rest can fade back where they come from wannabecoder’s ville

  • Guest

    Too expensive 90 $…. not worth it…
    But, the Dev Team and others do a good job. One has failed. OK… can Happen.
    Problem is, There is NOT ONE update about the BB 6.15.0. TO say YES (possible) OR NO, you are all f*cked, so forget it. You are all stuck with BB 6.15.0 on 3G etc …

    I am just Hoping to get a little update about that part …

    Everyone is busy with IOS5 etc etc … Creating Software to upload crashes off your phones to them to analyze, etc …

    Wye not start a project to help the ppl who are stuck on those BB’s.
    Help each other, and help the rest … 100000nds of ppl.

    I agree to the part that Apple is happy when their phones are getting jail broken… part of the scene.
    Much more sells => More cash for Apple => More advertising and it goes on …

    But, Apple is a b*tch too. A very BIG one. No flash, No this, No that…

    anyway, Hoping to get some update soon…


  • Wc408


  • Papa

    jailbreak has been done for 4S also
    please fix the 6.15 BB
    i need the GPS so bad

  • Brianle206

    I have a 3GS that was on 4.3.2 with baseband 6.15 but someone recently upgraded it to original 5.0.1 without doing the custom iswp to preserve the bb so now they phone doesnt real att sims nor does it read tmobile sims, has anyone else experienced this or knows how to fix it?

  • Bebida

    when the fix will come out, the 3GS will be old like a 10.4 phone
    the only fix for me is using the phone without gps and have a gps in my car.

    what sure is that was my last jailbreak and probably my last iPhone

    I hate iTunes, hate apple and soon will hate the iPhone

    thx to redsnow and the other guys for helping us so many times, even if this time was a big mistake, you just tried to help :-)

  • Sladdin

    You just need to reapply the 06.15.00 baseband which will fix your problem ;-)

  • Dekozik

    I have the same issue as well with my 3GS. Still waiting for a solution.

  • Drobec18

    I have the same problem, phone is working well but it could not find network, but wifi is working… Anyone have the solution?

  • http://uniondesign.ca DL

    Did you try disabling Location Services?

  • Itunes666

    Fuck you Musclenerd … fuck you all

  • Drobec18

    Yes I did. I don`t know where is the problem, why after restore of jailbroken iPhone, the phone could not find any cellular network

  • http://uniondesign.ca DL

    The phone must be locked to a specific carrier. Try a SIM from that carrier or if you don’t have a SIM from that carrier you’ll have to jailbreak and unlock.

  • Anthony Middleton

    i have one slight problem:)

    every so often my unlocked ios 5.0.1 iphone 3gs bb 6.15 keeps loosing signal or had extremley bad signal whenever location services or some other branch of tht shit, but i work out and about and really need a mobile signal but its either shit or i have none at all any help?

    P.S this only started after i jailbroke (problem with jailbreak??)

  • musclenerd

    Musclenerd is bullshit, watch us never get out of bb 6.15.00.

  • Guest

    For the “coders” who do this it’s mainly a penis-measuring contest. They only want to work on the latest hardware and software and are immediately bored with previous iterations when something new comes out.

    Just look at how they routinely respond to members of the JB community’s requests for a fix to this massive cockup which *they* created — “Fuck you.” “You’re stuck.” “Get a new phone.”

    As much as I appreciated the extra features I got by JBing my 3GS (tethering, SBSettings, a few other mods and apps) I now regret feeding and encouraging this subculture. I followed their instructions to the letter and now I have a semi-functional device that I can’t get repaired by Apple.

    Not that I’m a fan of Apple’s closed architecture policy — IMO they’re crippling users to appease their corporate buddies. But the jailbreakers are no better since they treat regular users like annoyances at best and enemies at worst.

    And before anyone says “You got it for free,” no I did not. I happily paid for the JB apps and mods I got from Cydia, naively thinking I was supporting a network of regular folks who wanted to help others while making a modest profit.

    Now I know they’re primarily script-kiddy brats who are simply too stupid to find a fix for this and get all pissy when it’s pointed out to them.

  • Andy

    try reflash ipad baseband using redsnow 0.9.10b4 and install ultrasn0w 1.2.5 on cydia..work for my 3gs 5.0.1 bb 6.15..sory my englishis very poor

  • sri1ram

    Hmmm, so they are not releasing the 6.15 downgrade due to perfection issues or bricking? No Siree, I am 100% sure NO! All the cydia jbs and unlocks come with perfectly understandable rider “you may brick your phone”!
    It is really bragging rights for most of them – add to that a huge multitude of gratitudes pouring in from 3GS/6.15 users, this downgrade is high priority. So if there is a chance in hell that any s/w solution may work, we would have had some inkling by now!

  • Johnny Gunz

    06.15.00 there is never gonna be a downgrade. they’ve forgotten about us in all this ios5 hype

  • Grouchy


  • Jerry-san

    its to late
    i burried it last night in my back yard
    r.i.p iphone 3gs baseband 06.15.00
    4.1, greyed out wi-fi, no IMEI, no ICCID no Modem Firmware, sim SEARCHING for nothing . . .
    december 21 – december 23 2011
    yes im a very dramatic person TwT

  • NoName

    Oh please. $10 says you’ve never coded anything useful in your life. Any asshole can sit back and claim he knows what he’s doing while offering no proof.


    yopu should try reinstalling ipadbaseband from redsn0w

  • flash

    change your imei number it working for me no gps but i m using a burn sim in my 3gs

  • flash

    change your imei number it working for me no gps but i m using a burn sim in my 3gs

  • Huy Chuong

    That soon will never come! -> Likeeeeeee

  • Paulsimon

    Pleeeeeeeeeaaaaaasssssseeeee someone look into this, theres so many people relying on it! :(

  • Anonymous

    Can’t upgrade to IOS 5 Because of BB 06.15.00, Would be nice to put it back to normal or did Apple pay you guy’s off to increase sales of new merchandise???

  • TOTO32

    is there any news about downgrading of BB 06.15.00

  • Grouchy

    yea, when armagedon comes :p

  • captainpitt

    …and what, your iphone mapping program is working??


    Now is 5.0.1. is here from a long time ago. Where is THHHHHEEEEEE downgradeee??? :( ((

  • http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=790874074 Christian Buckley

    Dont get rid of it i know the process to get your phone upgraded, activated and jailbroke on 5.0.1 .

  • Francoise Jarry

    There’s a good way of being free from the ipad baseband : abandon your iphone and like join android community… You won’t be disappointed…
    A great pleasure to feel free to do what you want with YOUR Smartphone…

  • Renato renco

    I saw this post approximatelly 5 mounths ago!!!

  • Raimiuxs

    can you hellp for me? i have the same problem like Jerry-san

  • solar

    i hate those posts regarding the downgrade :@ they wont release it anymore :(


    We need to change the baseband. If we can’t, we all change to android phones and iphones will be history. shame

  • Huychuong1307

    The same to u. I like android phone. I’m disappointed because of an old iphone with baseband 6.15

  • Ganicus

    Fuck the Apple products. Samsung is the best :) I did sold my 3gs and now i have galaxy s2. It’s awsome!!!!

  • Iwcham1979

    Hope it can help u learn English man!

  • Ffff

    fuck bb 6.15

  • Renato Renco

    I agree with u, fuck for iphones and apples products, lets use samsungs and so on

  • Ganicus

    could you help me?

  • Theultimatetrekker

    Same here mate and i fucking love the galaxy!

  • Theultimatetrekker


  • Gaiden__

    You’re a FAKE you worthless piece of shit, his is bull, I hope you all burn in HELL musclenerd, you PRICK. Fucking lies, all of it…

  • Gaiden__

    *this* is bull

  • Technologunk

    Andy Android shall do nasty things to Sexy Siri. Very Nasty!!!

  • Huychuong1307

    A fake iphone 4s running android may be better. Fuckin’ apple

  • Muhaa

    buy andrid, be happy. fuck apple and their bb

  • victim

    I’m one of the victims too. I never wanted to update the baseband ~ but redsnow update it without my consent. I’ve checked ipad baseband but then i unchecked it b4 i continue to jb ~ without looking at the progress ~ it installed the ipad bb ~ wtf~ i feel like tricked ~ cheated ~ and helpless ~ ARGHHHH!!!

  • Camel

    MuscleNerd can burn in hell for all i care lol

  • Pvhpradobr

    Any news???

  • Anton Paul Czuba

    I just got my 3GS which came on an iPad baseband 5.0.1 jailbroken. However, the GPS / Location services work fine, it connects to my carrier and my battery doesn’t seem to drain quickly at all… Am I lucky or is my baseband broken somehow? It has been carrier unlocked and i have just restored to 5.1. Is there something wrong? I know I may come across as a noob but please, I got it last week…

  • Uyi

    Fuck…. bb 6.15

  • Cat

    You should’nt be here, there’s nothing wrong with your phone. Just dont upgrade your baseband to 6.15.00, if it’s working fine then LEAVE IT!

  • Detis

    Heloooo, does any hacker care for about 1.000.000 cheated/betrayed 3g/s users of baseband 06.15.00??? Everyone is eating from inside (including me) to have a iPhone with built in GPS that will never work????????? WE NEED ANSWERS

  • Detis

    how much did U pay for it?

  • Lg2

    Fuck MuscleNerd, you are a fuckin’ asshole! Why don’t you just admit that you don’t have a fuckin’ clue what you are doing! You’re just making all king bullshit promise!

  • Niku

    still nothing. fu2ng loosers

  • Guest

    yeah, blame redsn0w you loser, cant you read “Install Ipad Baseband” there are 2, in words two warnings you just clicked and now you blame some piece of software, thats sad man

  • iPhone User 1000001


  • Don’t Worry, Be Happy Now

    Lets try asking nicely again… Is there any possibility the Baseband Downgrade project could be escalated for 3gs? It would make many people happy. Happy os a good thing and if they are honorable and happy, maybe they may contribute a little green your way.
    If it is not likely to happen then please release a statement to that regard. Thank you and wish you a happy time :D .

  • Jessjadeisace

    please please pretty please can someone sort the lost gps,ibooks,nike for the 3gs with ipad baseband

  • raj

    fuck ki aunt

  • Deke76

    MuscleNerd ‏@MuscleNerd
    Made great progress yesterday on downgrade from BB 06.15 (for 3G/3GS owners who got officially unlocked). All the pieces are there :)

  • Deke76

    @EVILCLOWN2016 I’m aiming for Funday/Sunday for releasing the downgrade from 06.15, but that’s very much subject to possible delay

  • Deke76

    yep the 06.16 BB downgrade will just be another new button in redsn0w

  • Holmes_thomas

    Haha look at all u dumbasses now lol u guys are stupid downgrade is released u quit being pricks

  • Valdez007

    The new Redsnow has the option (tick box) of down grading the baseband from 06.15 to 05.13.04. After several attempts using Redsnow 0.9.14b1 my iPhone 3GS is now working with the GPS again. Using the likes of TOMTOM, Navigon, Sygic etc. etc. WITHOUT the use of a sim card or wi-fi.

  • KMK

    i downgraded from 06.15.00 to 05.13.04 using redsn0w_win_0.9.14b2 on my iPhone 3GS ruinning 5.1.1 having old bootrom. BUt still my GPS isnt working… like it was when it was on 06.15.00. Somebody please tell me how to fix this :(

    Thank you soo much

  • http://www.andrewcharnley.com/ Acharnleygg

    The 05.13.04 doesn’t fix GPS either. You’ll find this out when you start driving with TomTom/Garmin etc and it looses signal and wont calculate speed. Only works when at a stand still as this is when the phone uses mast triangulation.

  • Valdez007

    My device is an iPhone 3GS running 5.1. I had the old baseband of 06.15 which my GPS wasn’t working with. I downgraded the baseband to 05.13.04 using redsn0w 0.9.14b2. This improves the iPad baseband downgrade and should cover anyone who couldn’t downgrade with 0.9.14b. I have to admit it took me several attempts with the jailbreak before I was successful. Must have patient and I never give up. It worked for me.

    So now my GPS is working 100%, turn-by-turn navigation WITHOUT the use of a SIM Card or WITHOUT any internet connection (Wi-Fi or whatever). I’ve tested it on TomTom, Navigon, Sygic, RoadMate, Garmin StreetPilot, and CoPilot Live (Maps for Canada and USA, but I’m sure other maps will work too depending with part of the world you are in).

    I haven’t tested it but I’m pretty sure the GPS will work for iOS ver 5.1.1 on all jailbroken iPhones once you have the 05.13.04 baseband (this baseband 05.13.04 is every important because it worked for me on my iPhone device spec).

  • Iphone 3 Repair Ipswich

    thanks for the info..
    it should be usefull…