Download Absinthe Jailbreak v0.4 For OS X And Windows

by Ahmed Omar on February 2, 2012

The Absinthe untethered jailbreak for A5 devices (iPad 2 and iPhone 4S) on iOS 5.0.1 has just been updated to version 0.4 which brings various fixes for both Mac OS X and Windows users.

As most of you know, Greenpois0n Absinthe has been released few weeks ago to bring the first jailbreak for Apple’s newly released handset, the iPhone 4S. Moreover, it could finally jailbreak Apple’s iPad 2.

Version 0.4


Mac: added support for OSX 10.5, PPC and Intel CPU

added consistency check on startup to make sure required files are in place

Windows: fixed bug in payload generator that might cause a crash

So you don’t need to re-jailbreak your device. This only improves the way of jailbreaking and fixes some issues that met users jailbreaking their devices.

You can follow our guide posted here to jailbreak your iPhone 4S or iPad 2 on Mac OS X and Windows.

Download Absinthe jailbreak V0.4

  • Download Absinthe v0.4 for Windows
  • Download Absinthe v0.4 for Mac
  • Download Absinthe v0.4 for Linux
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  • WhiteWombat

    As always, thank you for the tip Ahmed ;)

  • Su_ltaan

    ألف شكر .. انا دخلت علي ام البرنامج علشان يشتغل

    بالتوفيق : )

  • Haytchp

    Did anyone have any problems after doing this?

  • Furqanbangash

    Best and Easiest Jailbreak ever… :)

  • Guest

    does this work on iphone 4 also

  • Hendra Hermawan

    how i need to rejailbreak my device if my device jalbreak with absinthe 0.2 ??

  • Ph4m

    I’ve been trying to jailbreak my iPad 2. It keeps saying “consistency error: required files not found” or something like that. Any idea why??!

  • Hendra Hermawan


  • guest

    hi it didnt work on my ipad 2 5.0.1

  • Vdff

    How do you install Cydia after jailbreaking with this?

  • Gerardoguaithero

    dude…. absinthe stops working right when its about to finish and the absinthe icon does not appear on my iphone…. what to do?

  • Josh Hill

    for ipphone 4 just use redsnow this is for the A5 devices

  • Daniel :)

    @Gerardoguaithero , what iphone are you using? and whats the software id eg “5.0.1(9A405)” ?

  • Haryuk

    absinthe stops working after 30 second and i tried again and again
    without any success.
    its for ipad2 iso 5

  • Xfx

    Your iPad 2 need ti be un 5.0.1 to use jailbreak nô on 5.0

  • Ancepps

    when i had absinthe 0.2 and 0.3 it would stop at the end off almost being done and say error. i tried on three computers. then just downloaded 0.4 and it says ‘could not find required files’ my email is plz help

  • Deebee

    doesn’t work with my ipad2 ios 5.0.1 after starting, my ipad reboots for about 2 or 3 seconds, than he stops and i and the program says cannot connect to device??? tryed it 5 or 6 times already and doesn’t work

  • Deebee

    man frustrating when i start up the absinthe program he does the first step oke, than he has to reboot, he starts rebooting, and suddenly stops, the ipad sets it self back in the startup screen, the program than says can not connect to the device??? i see the absinht icoon but when i try to startup the icoon, the program first says wait for absinht to finish and after that the url can not be opened? HELP

  • Haryuk

    It’s 5.0.1

  • Vlassistria

    Hi I wonder if my device 4s will slow down if I jailbreak it?

  • Iphonehelp

    Before iOS 5, my iPhone 4 with its 4.3.3 iOS was slow after I jailbroke it. Now with its 5 it’s jailbroken and has the exact same speed as it was before, and your 4s has an A5 processor and iOS 5 so I wouldn’t expect it to slow down, if it did then the problem is from your device.
    How do I know?
    Ipad2 iOS 5.0.1 jailbroken and fast

  • Leo

    Hi guys I’ve been lookin for unlocking my iPhone 4s for any carrier but dunno which device could be used… So which one can I download? Is there a new ultrasn0w for 4s? Cheers mates

  • Duo

    Thanks guys now my ipad2 is finally jail broken.

  • Mondooo

    On ios 5.0.1

  • Eugrasu

    If u all ready jailbreak your phone this new version of absinthe it ll improve exactly what ?….I shod rejailbreak?Same question for A4 devices the new version ov jailbreak software it ll improve the stability of winter board ?.”.”..tx…..and my regards to all the guys for the hard work …tx again u make a lot of us happy

  • Ryanhoops

    It was on the downloading part of the jailbreak, and my phone fell and unplugged from it. Now every time i try and jailbreak it, it says ” you have previously tried to jailbreak your phone and it failed, we will fix this. goes through another loading phase and says ” recovery completed. If you want to retry jailbreaking your phone unplug, and plug it back in. I do, but it just keeps repeating that process. help?

  • Lowerynscott

    have you received an answer, if so could you email me at bc i am having the same issue :(

  • iToones

    absinthe will works in an iPad 2 over a proxy, i have no direct internet conection, i pass throw a proxy server

  • Rickp72

    Did you get this fixed I get it too and can’t get jb working?

  • Kami9a

    problems i have seen after jail breaking my iphone 4s
    -texting pictures only works with text message and not iMessage
    -your music library is very slow and a lot of songs do not play (90% of my songs)
    any one know fixes for this or are experiencing other issues,

  • Aliamus

    My jailbroken 4s keep crushing and I have to always reset it. How do I resolve this problem?

  • Aliamus

    My phone has been freezing after I jailbroke it. I’m still awaiting help to fix it

  • Seko

    shut down your antivirus and try it… i had the same problem and after i close the software it worked without a problem

  • Jdockets

    Absinthe does not open or launch in Mac with OS X Mountain Lion… :(

  • Roberttingley321

    after jailbreak i have a problem of the apps not getting 3g??? safari 3g works fine all other cydia works fine ive reset the phone a few times still no joy anyone help?