Drag And Drop Android-Style To Delete Apps On iPhone (Jailbreak Tweak)

by Ahmed Omar on August 22, 2011

Most of the Android user wouldn’t like to share their experiences about their system, but we have come to know in some instant that most of the users didn’t like too many apps icons on their iPhone’s Home Screen. Here is a new jailbreak tweak “Android Delete” for them. This jailbreak tweak allows you to delete iOS apps from the Home Screen just like Android launcher option.

Android Delete
If you want to delete any app from your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch, then you have to go by a default procedure. Like press and hold the app (you want to delete) on the home screen and click on the “X” button over the icon of that app. On this jailbreak can remove apps and shortcuts simply dragging them into a trash can icon. “Android Delete” added a trash can icon at the bottom of the home screen. So by pressing the icon and dragging the shortcuts and apps to the trash can it wiped off from the device with no time, as shown in the picture below.

android delete1 Android Delete give you some more features like, it adds a new menu to the iOS native Setting app, it gives you the option to adjust the animation speed and temporary disable of this tweak completely option is also there. android delete 2As RedmondPie point out, if you want to use the old iOS method to remove apps even you have installed Android Delete, just disable this tweak . Now you have two options after adding this on your iDevice default method or android delete. After downloading and using it, you will come to know that iOS method to remove app is much more effective and less time-consuming, but your iDevice now has a new option as well. Try it and let us know about your experience.

At just $1.49, Android Delete is available from Cydia’s BigBoss repository.

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  • skitt

    useless application.

  • http://www.facebook.com/junio.web Junio Mendes

    ainda prefiro o jeito original, (still prefer the original way)