Easiest Way To Change Brightness On iOS With SBBrightnessButtons (Jailbreak Tweak)

by Dillon Shand on January 17, 2012

There are a lot of jailbreak tweaks out there that make changing the brightness on your jailbroken iOS device a breeze. But they all still rely on some sort of gesture or activation. Today we bring to you SBBrightnessButtons; a Cydia tweak that is by far the easiest way to change your brightness!

As you can see from the screenshot above, the tweak adds two white icons to your springboard. These icons stay in place while switching through pages so it is much more convenient for the user. To use the icons, all you have to do is simply tap on the left on to lower the brightness and the right one to make things brighter.

This tweak is free in Cydia, all you have to search is “SBBrightnessButtons” and there is no need to add a repo. Since this is a jailbreak tweak available in Cydia, you’ll need to do an untethered jailbreak for your device. You can use our guide posted here to jailbreak iOS 5.0.1 untethered on all A4 devices, i.e. not iPad 2 or iPhone 4S. Also, don’t forget to check out our recent and popular tweak review called SuperSwitcher which adds more options to your app switcher! Here is a video demonstration of SBBrightnessButtons.

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  • Kostik048

    Jeez. I want iOS 5.0.1 jailbreak for iPad 2 :L So tired of waiting.

  • S0parlik

    Fuck this shit. Bricked my iPhone.

  • http://www.facebook.com/shaveme Corey Shaver

    Jeez. I want idiots to stop posting useless comments. So tired of reading them.

    The jailbreak will be out when it’s out. You’ve only had to wait 4 months. Bet you didn’t have the original iPhone. There wasn’t a jailbreak for it. Try waiting over a year and having to buy another device before you could jailbreak. Just be patient.

  • http://www.facebook.com/shaveme Corey Shaver

    It’s impossible to ‘brick’ an iPhone. Just restore the device using your SHSH blobs. If you didn’t save them, restore your phone to stock and re-jailbreak, that should fix your issue.

  • Kostik048

    Guess what. I never used iPhone because i have Android. And even if i have only iPad 2 thats not a reason to be like :”holy shitz gys hes nub!” ‘n’ stuff. Now stop replying this comment, i know how it all ends. <—- dont read this comment im just rageing.

  • http://www.facebook.com/shaveme Corey Shaver

    No one is saying anything bad about you because you only have an iPad. I was pointing out that posting a comment about the jailbreak on an article that was about a brightness tweak and not the JB itself was stupid. Especially with the flood of annoying comments about the release on every article. I used the original iPhone as an example of how long we had to wait back then. If you bought the iPad with 5.0.1 installed, then you have to wait. If you bought it before then, you could have stayed at 4.3.5 and jailbroken it already. The developers are working very hard to get it released, so just be patient. Complaining about it isn’t going to make it released any sooner.

  • S0parlik

    It froze, that’s what I’m doing right now. But it takes a lot to restore over 10 GB just from this little tweak that froze my screen.

  • http://www.facebook.com/shaveme Corey Shaver

    Completely understandable. If the phone is frozen try a hard reset (hold the power and home buttons together until you see the apple logo) and then uninstall the tweak.

  • S0parlik

    Man I know how to do all this. Every time I rebooted manually it froze as soon as springboard started, i couldn’t slide to unlock. I had to restore, re-jailbreak and re-install every tweak that I had. A lot of wasted time.