Edit Text Easily With SwipeSelection (Jailbreak Tweak)

by Dillon Shand on May 7, 2012

Ever wish Apple would improve text editing on iOS? Fixing errors is quite tedious and inefficient when you are typing out a full email or even a simple text message. Well we have just the tweak that makes text editing on iOS a breeze!

This new tweak is called SwipeSelection and let me tell you, it’s genius! To start editing text, you don’t even have to do anything special. Just simply swipe on the keyboard from either the right or left and the cursor on the screen moves with this gesture. It makes for quick placement of that cursor to accurately place it to backspace or add a letter to the line of text you are working on.

Furthermore, you can use two fingers at a time to speed up how fast the cursor moves. This is best useful when dealing with big paragraphs and full emails, not simple one line texts. Another really cool feature with SwipeSelection is that you can hold down the shift button and drag on the keyboard to select words and letters to copy, select, and cut.

SwipeSelection is without a doubt the best Cydia tweak that helps with editing text! We hope to see Apple implement something just like this in iOS 6 as it would make editing of texts so much easier! Wouldn’t you? Check out this video showing off SwipeSelection and drop a comment!

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  • reke

    Good lord… this is so much better than the native way!

  • Jakeatsb

    why cant i find it i have big boss as one of my sources

  • http://twitter.com/ikeithchen Keith Chen

    Super helpful and super intuitive. This is built the way your mind works.

  • http://twitter.com/ikeithchen Keith Chen

    I think I am going to jailbreak my iPod just for this.

  • CreepyGimp

    Brilliant! Works perfectly!

  • Momfomac

    I can’t find it in Cydia either.

  • Mofomac

    Nevermind, I found it, had to manually go down the list to look for it in the big boss list of stuff instead of the search bar.

  • Mofomac

    Ok, so i installed the app on my ipad and I’m kinda finding that I’m making a lot of typing errors now, not sure if that he new app of if I’m just messing up a lot.

    I decided to do a test in my notes app. Typing with swipeselection and then typing without it. These were my results:

    “Isis a test to see how ell the typing is on MySpace after insta the app, swipe selection. ll

     Tis is a test to see how my typing has improved or decrease on my iPad after removing the app swipe selection. 

    Ok. Once agai I will reinstall the cydia tweak swipe selection to see how it improves or deteriorates my typing ability.

    Ok,e cydia tweak swipe selection h s once again been
    installed on MySpace, so let’s sehow it does. I’m not typing by looat the screenk only the letterheads am tyg and relying on the auto correct to fix it like i usallypdo . Let’s see  how it turns out

    Ok, once again i’ve removed the cydia tweak swipe selection to see if my typing has improved or deteriorated. I am no looking at the screen at what I am typing, I am merely typing away looking at the keyboard as I normally do and rely on the auto correct to fix as I go along. Let’s see how this project has come along.

  • Mofomac

    As you can see, with the tweak I’m messing up a lot more than without it which kinda sucks cause I really like the way you can move the cursor to where you want (except up and down). Maybe they can implement a way to activate the movement the cursor by doing a longer hold on the keyboard.

    Try it out let me know what you think and if it happens to you too.

  • Mofomac

    Ok, so I just downloaded a similar tweak called swipeshiftcaret and it basically does the same thing I find that the spelling is back on track with this tweak though which is good. The only think I don’t like about it is that you have to swipe where the text is, not where the letters are which sometimes makes it hard to see where you wanna place the marker since your finger is on the screen where the words are, but at least it’s not making me mess up my texts as bad a swipeselection so that’s great!…. If you guys want, do the comparison and let us know your findings. I love cydia and jealbreaking !!! =0D

  • Guest

    Why don’t they simply add cursor keys? This magnifier fiddling is terrible.