Here’s How To Fix iBooks Issue On Jailbroken iOS 5

by Ahmed Omar on October 25, 2011

Yesterday iH8sn0w posted a video showing iBooks running on jailbroken iOS 5 but he said that this fix will not be released for public since it’s not stable. Today, we’ve a working fix for iBooks on jailbroken iOS 5 devices.

The below fix is not the end-all solution but at least it can work until someone release a stable fix. You have toknow that after doing the below fix, you’ll face two issues:

  • The iBooks icon will not be rounded rectangle. Instead, it will be a square icon. Howoever, it can be fixed by correcting the png files.
  • You won’t be able to sync iBooks store with iTunes and no purchases on the device.

To be able to follow the steps below, your device must be jailbroken on iOS 5 and have iFile from Cydia installed.

Now follow the steps below & embedded video provided by iDownloadBlog:

Step 1: Uninstall iBooks, and then reinstall iBooks from the App Store. Do not open the app.

Step 2: Open iFile, and copy from /var/mobile/Applications/(iBook’s folder)/ to /Applications. You can use SBSettings, or just go through each folder to identify the correct iBooks folder. If you don’t have a lot of App Store apps, this should be simple.

Step 3: Tap on /Applications/ and select property list editor. Tap CFBundleIdentifier and change to

Step 4: Exit iFile and Respring.

Step 5: Delete the original iBooks app (rounded corners) and keep the square iBooks app.

Step 6: Since you can’t use the iBookstore on device, and you can’t sync with iTunes, upload your .epub files using the methods outlined on the video, dropbox, etc. From there you can open them using iBooks where you will be able to read them.

Let us know how it’s gone with you in the comments section below.

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  • yahia

    pleeease :”( is there a way to fix the push problem after using ultrasn0w !!
    push doctor is not working with ios 5

  • Brandon Nolet

    Okay, I did this thing. BUT I never got two different icons. I Copied the ibooks, edited stuffs and whatevers, but it never worked. Then I deleted the ibooks from the /applications folder and ibooks suddenly works!

    …..nvm, i dl’d a book…then it crashed. Sorry guys!!

  • Niklas

    I tried it and I followed the instructions very carefully. In the end I got a squared icon and a rounded one. i deleted the rounded one like in the instructions.
    I tried to open the left ibooks app and it crashed just after opening…

  • Anonymous

    same here niklas

  • Ghelai Lim

    it works! all the books i synced in itunes are all there. sweet!

  • iBook Fix

    iBooks working with iBook downloads.

    Here is what I did. I Navigated to /var/mobile/ibooks then I tapped on /Applications/ and selected property list editor. Tap the CFBundleIdentifier and change to I then resprung my phone and then opened iBooks, then after iBooks crashed I copied and pasted the file from /var/mobile/ibooks to the root directory /Applications respung my phone. After the respring I opened iBooks and all my iBooks pre jailbreak were there and I can even download from the apple iBook store.

  • Dheeraj

    No change same problem :(

  • iBook Fix

    Can you download from itunes using your phone?

  • iBook Fix

    Before starting make sure you delete Ibooks and then re-download it with out opening it.

  • Bmarko

    same here

  • M Estarriola

    Same here on an iPad.

  • StevenY

    can’t load … and one more thing, the square iBooks apps can’t be deleted the conventional way. I need to go into iFile and delete the folder manually. is this normal. cause there is no “cross” on the top corner appearing even I hold the buttons for some time. other apps “crosses” are available and even the rounded iBooks apps. helpp :(

  • Manucr

    I uploaded the epub books, but some are working and the rest dessappeared. Have had the same problems?

  • Jeff Turk

    Works! And all books in iTunes are successfully syncing to iPad

  • Anonymous

    If you copy the app to var/mobile/application it doesn’t get square corners and doesn’t seem to work. Other directions elsewhere list having to copy to var/stash/applications which does result in a square icon…still doesn’t work for me in either place, crashes on open.

  • Tobiastch

    Hey guys, I just wanted to let you know, after doing this fix, if you leave the original rounded iBooks icon in a folder somewhere and don’t use it, you can actually continue to sync your books through iTunes. I discovered this while screwing around with the iFile directories. This I feel is absolutely amazing and I am surprised no one else has picked up on this.

  • Derrick_gooch

    Excellent – fix…better than the original write up!

  • Anonymous

    I’ll try that! o.o

  • Anonymous

    Yep! It works! =D sync with iTunes, no problem! =D

    Thanks for the post and thanks for the comment!!

  • jery

    not work for my ipad . . .
    help me please .

    there is no “property list editor” ??
    just only “property list viewer’??

    what should i do?

  • jery

    not work for my ipad . . .
    help me please .

    there is no “property list editor” ??
    just only “property list viewer’??

    what should i do?

  • Shaye Ogloff

    The property list viewer also edits.

  • Ahmed Gaber

    it did not work for me.
    iPhone 4, IOS 5 :(

  • Lizy

    It works. Thank you so much.

  • Anonymous

    Keep trying. I did it once, worked fine. The for some other reason I had to restore my iPhone, then do it again. And it didn’t work… I don’t know what I was doing wrong, but I keep trying until it worked again.

    (Sorry for my lousy english… I speak spanish ^^Uu).

  • Bdp170

    Do you mean the folder “” in /var/mobile/Applications/iBooks, or do you mean the file “iBooks” in /var/mobile/Applications/iBooks/

  • Lolzy

    does ifile need reboot because 4.3.5 ipod 4g jailbreak can’t reboot or springboard….

  • Lolzy


  • Blackeaglejr7

    hey i managed to fix the crash issue even after doin all the process listed above , the thing is that i tried the ibooks fix for ios5 on cydia ( is on the xsellize repo ) on my iphone 4 and it worked like charm , but when i tried the same fix on my daughter’s ipod touch4 it didnt work , what i found out browsing the directories ( with Ifile) was that there was two missing files in the var/mobile/ documents , wich i had them on my iphone 4 , so i just transfer them both with blue toothto the ipod touch and Bingo! it worked ! the missing files were this two :

    so if u dont have this two files jus email me and ill send them to you .

    email me at

  • Sorin Miu

    It worked for me very well. It syncs with iTunes. It’s running like an usually iBooks for 4.x.x. for me until now.
    P.S.: iPhone 4, iOS 5.

  • Al0o0y

    Guys ,, copy the folder which is inside the above mentioned folder,, and every thing will go gr8

    also, keep both rounded corner and the rectangle one so you can Syncs your books with itunes

  • Magicmanxp

    if you use redsn0w_mac_0.9.9b9, the problem is solved with this

  • Zee Nguyen

    Excuse me, could you have me? After doing like your instruction, I can read file pdf but my iphone 4 informed that there is no service of the carrier. Even I reboot by redsn0w with the latest version but it does not work any more. I also cannot restore by itunes because my iphone is a locked version (iOS5.0.1) and when I jb it, it connected with itunes but there is no congrats message for active successfully. Anyway, I am looking for help from all you guys day by day because I do not want to call it iBrick :( . Thanks.

  • Fbh2004

    Hello, at the very last stage when selecting the file name (book) ibooks opens but then immediately closes and the book is not in ibooks. What should i do??

    thanks guys

  • Fbh2004

    in fact ibooks wont open at all…..

  • Marcin6205

    just after installing the jailbreake i have fixed ibooks but a few days later had to restore all . Now already tried may be six times and nothing just cant fix its crash str8 after opening

  • Pjohns13

    This works perfect, got all my books back, glad I came across the video.
    Cheers loads.
    Spread the word.

  • mello

    Cara Adorei ! Muito obrigado !

    Brazil !!