Yesterday iH8sn0w posted a video showing iBooks running on jailbroken iOS 5 but he said that this fix will not be released for public since it’s not stable. Today, we’ve a working fix for iBooks on jailbroken iOS 5 devices.
The below fix is not the end-all solution but at least it can work until someone release a stable fix. You have toknow that after doing the below fix, you’ll face two issues:
- The iBooks icon will not be rounded rectangle. Instead, it will be a square icon. Howoever, it can be fixed by correcting the png files.
- You won’t be able to sync iBooks store with iTunes and no purchases on the device.
To be able to follow the steps below, your device must be jailbroken on iOS 5 and have iFile from Cydia installed.
Now follow the steps below & embedded video provided by iDownloadBlog:
Step 1: Uninstall iBooks, and then reinstall iBooks from the App Store. Do not open the app.
Step 2: Open iFile, and copy from /var/mobile/Applications/(iBook’s folder)/ to /Applications. You can use SBSettings, or just go through each folder to identify the correct iBooks folder. If you don’t have a lot of App Store apps, this should be simple.
Step 3: Tap on /Applications/ and select property list editor. Tap CFBundleIdentifier and change to
Step 4: Exit iFile and Respring.
Step 5: Delete the original iBooks app (rounded corners) and keep the square iBooks app.
Step 6: Since you can’t use the iBookstore on device, and you can’t sync with iTunes, upload your .epub files using the methods outlined on the video, dropbox, etc. From there you can open them using iBooks where you will be able to read them.
Let us know how it’s gone with you in the comments section below.
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