Here’s What Jay Freeman (Saurik) Said At MyGreatFest

by Ahmed Omar on September 17, 2011

Earlier today the Chronic Dev Team was on the stage at MyGreatFest and unveiled the biggest news we might have heard this month. P0sixninja announced that the team has discovered 5 new userland exploit to jailbreak the iPhone 5 and iPad 2. Cydia’s founder Jay Freeman, better known as Saurik in the jailbreak community, has just left the stage and he unveiled some good news too.

He started with answering some questions of his own which appeared on a projector behind him like “Has Apple ever contacted you?” and “Is jailbreaking legal?”… Saurik said that Apple has never contacted him and he suggests that the company pretend, and wishes, that he doesn’t exist. And of course, jailbreaking is legal!

Saurik also said  that the percentage of the number of jailbroken device is between 6 and 12 percent. On a new iOS release, the percentage drops to 6 then it climbs back to 12.

Now most of you are waiting to hear something about Cydia for Mac OS X. Well, I have to say it will be released soon but there’s no ETA yet.. Jay Freeman, on the stage, said that Cydia for Mac will be released “when it works”. He also said people didn’t care about it initially but started seeing the potential of Cydia for Mac after the release of OS X Lion.

Good news: Well, I’ve heard from one of our readers that Saurik told a jailbreak fan at MyGreatFest that Cydia for Mac has only 1 bug and must be fixed before it’s released to public.

At the end, Jay Freeman talked about the build-up to the release of Cydia then reminded us of some people, like Youssef Francis, who helped a lot in the development of Cydia and many jailbreak apps.

Today we have got more and more big news.. Redsn0w will be getting a major update with so many features before Monday. Stay tuned with us!

(Via AppAdvice)

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  • Bhushan Meshram

    Any news on iphone4 higher BB unlock??

  • Bhushan Meshram

    Any news on iphone4 higher BB unlock??

  • Bhushan Meshram

    Any news on iphone4 higher BB unlock??

  • Littletingoddess

    what do they mean Cydia for Mac? is there one for PC? and is it like having a jailbroken computer?

  • Miguel Rodriguez

    Jay Freeman (saurik) fix this crap with ios 5.1