How To Easily Change Your Siri Mic Color

by Ahmed Omar on January 16, 2012

Have you ever wondered how to change your Siri Mic color on iPhone or whatever jailbroken iOS device running Apple’s voice assistant Siri. Apple made it purple microphone color all the time. However, the reason why we jailbreak our devices is to get our of bounds Apple has on its own devices.

The bad about this is that iPhone 4S users can’t do this since there’s no public iPhone 4S jailbreak till now. Only users with jailbroken devices can follow the below steps to change the Mic color of Siri. Though, an iPhone 4S jailbreak has been shown in a video and will be released very soon.

Steps explained by TechNetec:

  1. Enter Cydia —>Manage—>Resources—> Edit—>Add (video instruction Below)
  2. Enter:
  3. Tap on the TechNetec repo, and select the mic color you want.
  4. Tap on install. (foun on the right top)
  5. This will reboot, if you didnt have WinterBoard. If you had it, it will say “Return to Cydia”.
  6. After you install, Open WinterBoard.
  7. Select on Themes. And select the preferred Siri color.

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  • G-SPOT

    It says that repo doesn’t exist.

  • Horrox_2002

    What’s the point in this if the jailbreak isn’t even out yet???

  • Corey Shaver

    As stated in the article, only those who have jailbroken and ported Siri to their device can use this for now. Once the jailbreak is released for A5 devices, we’ll be able to use this too. From what you’re saying, developers shouldn’t create tweaks for Siri because an A5 jailbreak isn’t released, even though other devices can use it. That’s not right.

    Everyone seriously needs to chill with the stupid ‘ZOMFG A5 JAILBREAK NOWZ!!!” bullshit. Just be patient. And yes, you PROBABLY weren’t trying to sound like an impatient prick, but that’s how you came off. On EVERY single post on this site everyone is posting bullshit about the A5 jailbreak. I have an iPhone 4S and an iPad 2. I’ve never once posted anything like “release already!!” like all the other people on here. @Horrox_2002 I’m sorry this is being posted as a reply to you, but I feel like voicing my opinion on this issue. People just need to fucking be patient and show gratitude to the people who are providing a way to customize your devices FOR FREE and stop acting like whiny, spoiled, brats.

    Ok, rant over.

  • Daboiskittz17

    Damn straight!!!

  • Stangster3

    I think what most people are upset about is the constant “it’s almost here!” talk. We got that it’s almost here and that the hackers are working hard, stop teasing and getting our hope up with news about the almost released jailbreak. Just tell us when there’s a DEFINITE date or when released.

  • Corey Shaver

    I can understand that it sucks seeing that it’s almost released, however, for the people like me who understand programming and coding, and know how hard it is to get a program to do what you want, it is EXTREMELY exciting and helpful seeing all the updates. My favorite update from Pod2g was when he explained how his jailbreak works. You have to understand how hard it is to code these jailbreaks. Yes, I would love for the jailbreak to be released tomorrow, but I would love even more to read the thousands of lines of code for the jailbreak itself.

    Like I said before, people just need to be patient. You’ve waited 4 months (4S users) or almost a year (iPad 2 users), so what’s another week or even another month?

  • baven

    still can not install siri spire , how

  • Milicigoran

    It’s for people that already jailbroken and have Spier. Not for people with the 4s. But the repo doesn’t exsist.

  • Stangster3

    Just did it. Had to go back to “Changes” in Cydia, then click “Refresh” and it loaded it. Screenshots are wrong though.