Introducing The GLaDO-Siri (HUMOR)

by Ahmed Omar on October 10, 2011

Filmmaker Jeff Heimbuch decided mashup between Siri, the new voice recognition technology coming with the iPhone 4S, and GLaDOS, the malevolent AI system featured in Valve Software’s Portal games. He made a great video introducing the GLaDOSiri which comes as a humor of Apple’s iPhone 4S Siri feature introduction video.

The video is so funny and you’ll absolutely like it. Introducing GLaDOSiri:

In case you’re not away, Apple’s iPhone 4S Siri feature is considered to be the most important feature which most of people upgrading to the iPhone 4 for. Siri is a perfect voice recognition technology which allows you to give your iPhone tons of commands, all can be found here.

You can compare the above video with Apple’s original video posted here. Let us know your thoughts about this video in the comments section below.

(Via TheLoop)

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  • HNid

    Where is the video man…