iPhone 4S Facing Signal Issues? Here’s A Fix For That!

by Adeel Qayum on November 18, 2011

iPhone 4S was facing battery life issues and now it is experiencing signal loss issues for no reason. It’s not due to the antenna because signals are not lost when you hold it in a certain position. The signals are lost suddenly, at one end you have a full 5 bar signal and out of the blue you get the ” No Service” message.

One user reported on the Apple discussion forum that he just bought an iPhone 4S and experienced a loss of signals stopping him from making calls and text messages but he still could access the internet. Sometimes its the other way around. And at other times, all 3 are gone and he gets “No Signal” where the iPhone normally says Vodafone UK. He tried to fix it by putting it into Airplane mode and back out. But that doesn’t work and neither restoring factory settings doesn’t help either. The only thing that brings a temporary fix is turning the phone off then turning it on again.

Razorianfly.com has announced that the problem can be fixed by turning off the ‘SIM PIN’ feature. They suggest the problem is software related.

Go to Settings > Phone Menu > Turn SIM PIN off.

It’s a software issue. iOS is cycling the radio on and off for some reason. What you need to do is turn on SIM pin then turn it off, at which point it will demand the PUK code. You will be able to get it online through your AT&T account. After you enter that PUK, go back to settings and turn SIM pin off. You might get rid of the problem.

Another user reported that the problem started after updating to iOS 5.0.1. He claims he is facing some serious problems with signals after updating to iOS 5.0.1 and the problem didn’t persist when it was on 5.0. The user claims his iPhone is useless.

Apple might fix the problem in iOS 5.0.2 which is scheduled to arrive as soon as next week.

(Via RazorianFly)

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  • Sionydoorz

    My iPhone S has not had signal problems but my iPhone 4 has had major signal problems since upgrade to iOS 5

  • Vladpayne

    As I upgraded to iOS 5 (iPhone 4) I had the same problem but only once a week. One time though the connection was lost for good, only the restart helped. So I am convinced the problem os software related.

  • http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id= E Rolando Avila

    i buy 1 new micro-sim, in Mexico Country

  • Sundarnet1

    There is still the issue when you hold it without a cover on the metal rim your service drops off you can argue as much as you like I have an iPhone 4S and it is useless without a cover

  • Lars

    Same thing started happening to me today. I’ve had my 4S for a few days now and it just started going in and out of 3G coverage, goes from 4 bars to searching to 4 bars to searching. The SIM lock and unlock didn’t work. Ugh!

  • Guest1234

    same here iPhone 4S – factory unlocked
    after upadte to 5.0.1

  • Lewis

    Same here. Major signal loss issues on my iphone 4 since upgrading to new ios 5. Very disappointed in this product and I’m going back to my blackberry.

  • Chisel21

    Same problem here currently running on IOS 5.0.1, apple say the next release is due on the 10Jan12, fingers corssed it’ll solve the issue. You would think that as giant such as Apple or any phone manufacture would focusing on getting the basics right, ie the signal. Come on Apple, pull your finger out!!!!

  • Brownb77

    I found that my iPhone 4 ios 5.0.1 has this problem from the update: sometimes it shows the telephony provider name with good signal strenght, but the telephone is not going to ring nor to receive any SMS, and it will sound free on the other side! I tried EVERYTHING I found on the internet, but the only solution is to recharge the iphone: I found that this problem happens to me only if the iphone charge value is under 72%. As soon as the charge goes upper (so from 73% up) the telephony begins to work, and I receive all the queue of SMS I haven’t received before.

  • Nypd5001

    Guys this is bullshit, had the same problem cignal loses took it back to the store 3 times they exchanged the iPhones 4s 32gb unlocked version , unroll the fourth time paid extra got an iPhone 4s 64gb gone all the problems are gone no more cignal loses nothing, phone works better than any phone I had in a past though I paid almost 920$ full retail for a 64gb iPhone 4s, had the same problem with cignal as soon as I hanged up the antenna disappeared every time I would make a call or hang up now with a 64gb iPhone 4s perfecto! That’s what a apple store sales person tolde a little secret the 64gb for some reason works wayyyyy better and trust me he got that information from people like me that gave returned their unlocked iPhones and traded for a 64gb that’s when the problems went away

  • Nypd5001

    Guys this is bullshit, had the same problem cignal loses took it back to the store 3 times they exchanged the iPhones 4s 32gb unlocked version , went back for the fourth time paid extra got an iPhone 4s 64gb gone all the problems are gone no more cignal loses nothing, phone works better than any phone I had in a past though I paid almost 920$ full retail for a 64gb iPhone 4s, had the same problem with cignal loses with an iphone 4s 32gb as soon as I hanged up the antenna disappeared every time I would make a call or hang up now with a 64gb iPhone 4s perfecto! That’s what a apple store sales person tolde a little secret the 64gb for some reason works wayyyyy better and trust me he got that information from people like me that gave returned their unlocked iPhones and traded for a 64gb that’s when the problems went away

  • Nypd5001

    But check this out I suggested that to few people BOOOOOM SAME THING PROBLEM RESOLVED! They had an exact same situation with an exact same model and 32gb they traded it in for a 64gb gone no more cignal problems no more reception problems nutta butter perfecto asta lavista!

  • Colin_ferral

    I had the same problem also so they sent me a new iphone and still the same problem. just did a restore with the new software that has fixes and it’s working perfect now.

  • http://pulse.yahoo.com/_VFVJD745GN4ZXPCAVD4UAB4E5M Matt

    You’re a dip shit. I have a 64gig model and have the same problems.

  • http://pulse.yahoo.com/_VFVJD745GN4ZXPCAVD4UAB4E5M Matt

    I have a recurring issue where when I hold the phone to my ear using my shoulder the signal drops. It’s getting on my tits big time! Every bloody time I have to use the phone and type on the computer I have to grab a headset. Also, when my headset is plugged in the person at the other end of the call often hears a nasty buzzing noise.

    Vodafone UK replaced the phone with a “quality assured” handset which I have exactly the same issues with.

    The 4s is the 4th iPhone I’ve had and I have NEVER had issues with a phone like I have had with this piece of crap!

    Let’s hope Apple are able to fix the issues with an update soon.

  • Bellaand

    Same problem here.i bought a brand new iPhone 4s 64gb,updated it to 5.01 and I have many problems(wireless network crashes,cannot send messages and receive calls,very fluctuating signal.c’mon apple,solve this issue,it’s very frustrating!!

  • VN

    dissapointed!!! good stuff but poor signal!! I had brand new iphone 4s 5.0.1, signal was poor, then i swap it to apple store. after i swap it, it’s getting worse!! no signal in my room, signal not full on the highway/out side my house, hardly connect when make a phone call, also when i make i phone call, the speaker that i heard sounded like empty room. cant use bluetooth while make a phone call.
    whats the point by exchanging it?!! make my phone getting worse!!

  • Hamza Talha Tente

    Same here.
    Sometimes signal bars shows 5 signal but mostly it shows 2-3 signal and sometimes it doesn’t show any signal. But my operator name was still there

  • 1000% LOVE


  • Anonymous

    I’ve had this no service or searching for network issue since the 1st of the year on my 4s.
    Spent hours on the phone with customer service and 2 trips to the Apple store.
    I was given 2 new phones and a new sim card, nothing helps and they all say they have never heard of anyone having this problem.
    The only temporary fix is to restore from new, but in a week or 2 same problem.
    I’ve read on different blogs as to what the problem is but nothing helps.
    I keep hearing rumors about a new 5.0.2 update to fix this problem but it seems to be just rumor. Apple needs to do something to fix this problem or we need to sue Apple for our money back!

  • Riyaadjondah

    Double dip shit for not being able to spell SIGNAL! same prob here on ios 5.0.1 iphone 4 32gb.


    It’s all just related to poor manufacturing.

  • ongxadayne

    i have iphone4s factory unlock 5.1.1 same problem 1 bar or no service but my old iphone4 allways full 5 bar of singnal.
    i try everything Turn SIM PIN off.same thing 1 bar of singnal.
    then when i turn off 3g and cellular data.when iam not use it.
    i get full 5bar.all time .

  • Butlinslave

    This is becoming a big joke! APPLE SORT THIS SH*T OUT!!
    The money i have paid apple over the years and i cant even make a call without it dropping signal halfway through! I mean isnt this supposed to be a “SMART” phone?? Not that smart if you cant even make a bloody phonecall or text eh?
    I think the galaxy is becoming more appealing day by day.

  • Eyad_s_aziz

    Same problem with me too . It’s a waste of money even after downloading 5.1.1 .