iPhone 4S Shipped In Germany, Owner Shows Packaging & Siri

by Ahmed Omar on October 11, 2011

After that user in China who got his iPhone 4S yesterday and showed off a hands on video, a new users in Germany got his too. The iPhone 4S should be shipped to everyone by October 14th, Friday but it looks like some are getting it earlier.

The user is offering a first glimpse at the packaging of the handset, screenshots from the device and Siri too. The news comes from Macerkopf.de.

The new box shows a design and even graphics similar to that of its predecessor, the iPhone 4.

Here’s Siri too:

Have you got yours yet?

(Via AppleInsider)

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  • http://www.facebook.com/Flann Francil Richards

    :( Mine is in Alaska

  • IBip Rulz

    yo I live in Bangladesh dude I will not get it like in a year or so

  • Rocker76

    no bangladesh would want to buy an expensive like an iphone 4s, they are bakil person….hehehehehe

  • Yassine

    mine is algeria

  • http://www.facebook.com/ilovewadebarrett Brittani Taylor
