Running 21Km Huge Apple Logo Is The Best Thanks For Steve Jobs

by Ahmed Omar on August 29, 2011

Steve Jobs stepped down last week and all the world started to remember his works, achievements and products. We started with some reasons for his successor then an infographic of the most memorable works in Jobs’ career and now someone made something different.

Media producer and marathon runner, Joseph Tame, has run a 21km long course in Tokyo making a shape of Apple logo – and tracked the entire endeavor on his iPhone with the GPS and an exercise app.

“Having an iPhone really has changed my life here in Tokyo. It means I can go anywhere without getting lost, I have all my data with me at all times, I’m potentially in touch with thousands of friends and family members around the world at all times, and I have access to any information I might need to do what I need to do. Whilst I’m sure this would make a big difference back home in the UK, here in Japan it’s like a lifeline (even more so now it can warn me when an earthquake is about to hit).

Oh, it also means I can broadcast marathons, and paint pretty pictures on the roads with GPS.

It’s for this that I’d like to personally show my appreciation to Steve for his vision and leadership, which has made a direct positive impact upon my life. His work has also served to revolutionise the mobile phone industry, something that was desperately needed here more than anywhere. I’d like to wish Steve all the best, and hope that his health improves fast now he’s able to focus more on getting well again.

Tame used RunKeeper app to mount four iPhones that recorded video and data for the two hour running he has done.

That’s the best thanks for your Jobs!

(Via CNET)

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