SnoozeOrStop: Control Your iPhone Alarm Directly From The Lock Screen (Jailbreak)

by Ahmed Omar on September 6, 2011

Almost everyone use the iPhone’s alarm clock either to work up for work or to remember something. The worst thing about the iPhone’s alarm clock is that I’m not able to disable the alarm from my iPhone’s lock screen. In case you really use your iPhone’s alaram clock as your primary means of morning torture, you’ll absolutely need this tweak.

We jailbreak our iPhones to get some solutions for what Apple forgot to do. SnoozeOrStop is the solution for this iPhone’s alarm clock problem. Using SnoozeOrStop, you can completely stop the alarm clock directly from your iPhone’s lock screen as shown in the screenshot.

But let me say something, my iPhone 4 is currently running iOS 5 beta 7 and I can see that this feature is already available for iOS 5 users. You can either slide to stop the alarm clock or tap on the Snooze button to give it a snooze.

So briefly, Apple is really trying to make you give up jailbreaking. Apple has added so many features in iOS 5 which was available with Cydia tweak starting with the iOS notification center to the photo editing and camera launch from lock screen.

Anyway, for iOS 4 users, you can get SnoozeOrStop jailbreak tweak from Cydia under BigBoss repository for free.

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