
There are always two sides of a coins, in real life it’s either good side or the bad side. Hacking any software, be it mobile operating system, desktop operating system or any other daily life software has two different side, either you could become knight and responsibly report it back to the owner of that [...]


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JailbreakMe.com Sold Out, Jailbreaks.me To Replace It (UPDATE: It’s Back Now!)

by Ahmed Omar on October 7, 2011

Post image for JailbreakMe.com Sold Out, Jailbreaks.me To Replace It (UPDATE: It’s Back Now!)

MuscleNerd of the iPhone Dev Team brought some bad news just few minutes ago: The owner of the popular domain handling JailbreakMe, www.jailbreakme.com, has sold his domain now. Unfotunetly, the web-based jailbreak tool JailbreakMe is not available on any other sites right now.


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