The Story of ARM and Newton at the Start of Apple as a mobile Giant [Video]

by nanopitech on October 22, 2012

Apple made the MessagePad to enter the mobile computing world. However, that turned out to be a failure, but as many of you might not know, it became the breeding ground for the Apple’s empire. Read on for more details.

SFTA event was held at Citrix HQ recently where former CEO of Apple John Sculley shared the beginnings of Newton and the ARMv6 processor. This was, as he informed, a joint venture between VLSI, Acron Computers and Apple. This processor was there in the first Newton MessagePad, as a more power efficient CPU was needed for the portable by Apple.

The ARMv6 project was important, as the iPhone still uses a derivative of the ARM core which was designed for the Newton. Newton was an internal project of Apple, led by Steve Capps and Larry Tessler.

It was a handheld PDA-like which was going to be famous for the handwriting recognition, but Sculley explained that this was never meant to be a primary feature.

According to him, it was something that the user can hold in the hand and it would do the graphics as in Macintosh. He also talked about wireless technology which was non-existent at that time.

There was no microprocessor that was going to allow graphics-based software. Larry Kessler was the one who made the plan for Apple to design its own microprocessor, similar to the laid out cords in Apple’s iPhone 5 processor.

You can check out the video which includes the section on ARM and Newton. The entire segment of Sculley is well worth a watch. Feel free to leave comments.


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