Thieves Steal $60,000 In iPads From Best Buy in 60 Seconds

by Ahmed Omar on September 13, 2011

According to a post by Naplesnews, it took thieves 60 seconds to steal $60,000 worth of iPads from Bestbuy earlier today. The store’s manager said an initial check showed a cage door was cut open and 60 to 90 Apple iPads missing. The manager estimates the value to be about $60,000 according to reports.

Lee Sheriff’s office deputies responded to an alarm activation at BestBuy located in Coconut point, at about 5 A.M. They found the rear door at bestbuy pried open and the products lying on the ground. The break-in happened at about 4:46 a.m, by the time the police arrived at the crime scene, the thieves were long gone. The thieves reported to have taken 60-90 ipads with them.

The robbery was done in just a minute but is not the fastest in history.

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