WARNING: Siri Can Be Activated From Lockscreen Even With A Passcode Enabled!

by Johnny Franks on October 20, 2011

It has come to the attention of many iPhone 4S users that even if you have a passcode enabled, Siri can still be activated from the Lockscreen.  This, of course, means that if someone (possibly a thief) has your iPhone they can make a call, send a text, or do other potentially harmful things. 

Here’s a small video demo showing how Siri can be activated from Lockscreen:

Although this security flaw is present, it is very easy to fix! All you have to do is open the Settings application, go to the passcode lock preferences, and toggle Siri to “off.”

Consider yourself warned; be careful! Apple were surely fix this in their next update for iOS 5.

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  • http://twitter.com/lechefjosh joshua

    i still want siri on my iphone 4.. still waiting though..

  • http://twitter.com/muradalkaff Murad Alkaff

    Me too, I am still waiting for siri on my iphone 4

  • Hunter

    The original iPhone’s could do that as well through voice activation, which was before Siri.

  • G’broni

    “Siri, please bypass the lockscreen passcode and unlock this phone.” Lol.

  • Iphone 4s

    Go to settings, General, passcode lock, enter password and off voice dial

    U idiot

  • iphone 4s

    go to settings, General, passcode lock, enter password and turn off voice dial

    U idiot