We Will See 3 iPads In 2012: Higher-Res iPad 3, Faster iPad 2S, Discounted iPad 2 (REPORT)

by Ahmed Omar on November 30, 2011

According to a new report by AppleInsider, Apple could be seeing 3 iPads in 2012 along with a the new rumored ultra-thing MacBook and the much-waited redesigned iPhone 5 which has been leaked in the iOS 5.1 beta. The rumor about 3 iPads comes from analyst Ben Reitzes who insists that Apple will be releasing 3 iPads.

The analyst is expecting the iPad 3 in March 2012 which will be getting a higher resolution display supporting Siri voice-recognition system and will also get a faster processor.

So what is the iPad 2S? Well, Reitzes says that Apple could also introduce a faster iPad 2, which will be known as “iPad 2S” just the same as the iPhone 4S. A so-called iPad 2S could include a faster processor and Siri integration, just like Apple’s latest iPhone but with the same resolution of the iPad 2. The price will be the same for that one.

The iPad 2 will be surely discounted for a less price just the same as what happened in the iPhone 4 after the release of the 4S. The iPad 3 will get a new redesign while the iPad 2S will remain with the same design.

Anyway, can it be a false rumor just like what has been said about an iPhone 5 and iPhone 4S release this year? Well, it could be but we hope we see it true.

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  • Ijailb

    “the new rumored ultra-thing MacBook”

    thing or thin?

  • Anonymous

    I really think it’s time to get some Ipad 2 Jailbreak lovin… Give me THIS news. I’ve had my ipad 2 for almost a month and no jailbreak…. is it that much harder to crack than andriods? or are the devs better with android?

  • Jo

    Ipad2 is jailbroke what r u talking about

  • D Rivlin

    There aint no ipad 2 ios 5 jailbreak dont no wat u sayin

  • ramhero

    Will be thin1 ;)

  • Austinc 1990 Ftw

    yeah man, i’m having the same issue! Been waiting since I got my iPad and no jailbreak still.