Why Is Siri A Female?

by Ahmed Omar on October 23, 2011

In case you have got your iPhone 4S and enjoyed with Siri, you might have known that Siri has a female’s voice. In case you’ve asked Siri some sexually questions such as “What are you wearing?”, you’ll get a female-related answer.

Siri Female

Most of computers voice is a woman for a biological reason. CNN’s Brandon Griggs explains:

It’s much easier to find a female voice that everyone likes than a male voice that everyone likes,” said Stanford University Professor Clifford Nass, author of “The Man Who Lied to His Laptop: What Machines Teach Us About Human Relationships.” “It’s a well-established phenomenon that the human brain is developed to like female voices.”

Research suggests this preference starts as early as the womb, Nass said. He cites a study in which fetuses were found to react to the sound of their mother’s voice but not to other female voices. The fetuses showed no distinct reaction to their father’s voice, however.

Also Apple commented about Siri’s female voice:

An Apple spokeswoman declined to comment on why the company gave Siri a female voice in the U.S. Nor would she say why Siri speaks like a man in the UK, where iPhone 4S owners have swarmed online forums to request a female voice instead. “Eww!! Hope UK gets female voice soon,” wrote one commenter. “I don’t think anyone in the US cares about male voice option.

So, what do you think? Do you prefer this female voice or you would prefer a male’s one?

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  • http://adityat.com aditya

    It can be changed from English (Uk) to english US in the settings option to get siri in female..

  • Veryviral

    I’d definitely prefer a female’s voice!

  • http://twitter.com/frebib Joseph Groocock

    But then it wont understand you unless you speak like a retard

  • Cee202

    Everyone prefers a female void but as aditya said:
    “It can be changed from English (Uk) to english US in the settings option to get siri in female..”

  • Tom G Sxe

    In France it’s a male voice.

  • Anonymous

    i hope it can be switched between male or female voice :D

  • Fuckthebrits

    So, where would be the problem? Brits are retards by nature.

  • Justcurious

    What means groo?

  • http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1584236729 Jake Toptional

    im in love with siri, we are having baby’s :)

  • Divamukti

    I would love to have the option to choose whether Siri was Male or Female. And since I’m in the US would also like to be able to have the option to turn on the British accent ;)

  • EnglishGeezer

    Fuck off you twat, at least we can actually manage our economy (Y)

  • Illin

    But your women look like straight ass which is probably why your Siri didn’t get a female voice

  • InstantEats

    I live in the USA and if I cannot get a male voice I will never buy this phone. I hate computerized voices but especially hate computerized female voices. (I am female.) There should be an option to choose gender of the voice (as is the case with Tom Tom GPS systems), because some people do have strong preferences.

  • Ritano

    Yup, French Siri is definitely male and does not respond to any ambiguous request reagrding clothes, marriage and sex.

  • Guest

    say “voulez vous couchez avec moi ce soir” and French siri answers: “j’ai deja tout ce dont j’ai besoin”

  • CuriousJ

    Well, Siri is, after all, a female name! I think that it is a bit odd that “Siri” has male voices at all, I mean, “Hal 9000″ didn’t talk like a girl. Maybe Apple should have changed the name to something gender neutral… “Chris” or “Pat” might have been better choices. I don’t want to hear a manly voice coming from something named Siri, or Sarah, or Ingrid, etc. Although, if it had been a feminine voice on a an app named Erik, or Charles or something, that would be weird too. I wonder if my friend Siri is getting lots of weird questions asked of her now… I’ll have to ask her. Does anyone know if “Siri” (the app) was named after a specific woman? Maybe someone close to Dag Kittlaus?