Fix iOS 5.0.1 Untethered Jailbreak Bugs MobileSubstrate With Redsn0w 0.9.10b3 — Download Now

by Ahmed Omar on December 30, 2011

After few months of waiting, the first iOS 5 untethered jailbreak was released thanks to pod2g’s exploit which was discovered couples of weeks ago. The jailbreak was available thanks to Redsn0w 0.9.10b1 then followed by Redsn0w 0.9.10b2 which fixed “launchctl” error. Earlier today, the iPhone Dev Team pushed yet another update to their popular jailbreak tweak, redsn0w, to fix more issues.

Download Redsn0w 0.9.10b3

Some of you, whose devices were already on iOS 5.0.1 and tethered jailbroken, get many crashes because of the MobileSubstrate-based apps. The Redsn0w 0.9.10b3 fixes issues with MobileSubstrate.

The b3 version of redsn0w fixes a problem where re-running redsn0w over an existing jailbreak would cause MobileSubstrate-based apps to stop running until MS was installed again. Now you can re-run the redsn0w jailbreak step without worrying about that (but still remember to de-select the “Install Cydia” option if it’s already installed).

You can follow our previous instructions posted here to do an untethered jailbreak on iOS 5.0.1 using Redsn0w 0.9.10b3 but use the download links below for the new redsn0w version.

 Redsn0w 0.9.10b3 for Windows
 Redsn0w 0.9.10b3 for Mac OS X

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  • iPwn2Own

    i just updated in cydia

  • SkyHew

    WOW… another update. Thanks.
    Any news on Jailbreak for iPhone 4S?

  • Chrismcvay19

    iPhone 4s jailbreak please

  • Larry Tan

    does this fix the ibooks crashing issue?

  • prince3o

    Will this fix my apps from crashing with the Spire install or iBooks crash?

  • marc

    what does it mean MobileSubstrate ?

  • farmboy

    I installed this update, accessed cydia and was prompted to upgrade mobile substrate and Springtomize 2. After doing so, Springtomize does not function properly (if at all) and I could not access cydia nor any other jb app or tweak. ITunes would not even recognize the iPhone to allow a restore. Re-ran the newest version of RedSn0w again and everything works again except springtomize2.

  • Sky Hew

    Yes, waiting for iPhone 4S jailbreak!

  • D1sturbed666

    I had no major issues with b1, b3 took 3 attempts to successfully jailbreak and various issues have occurred like the Iblacklist license prompt upon every open and the springtomize problem also. I haven’t noticed anything farther yet but I won’t be surprised if I do. Don’t want to complain though more help inform others and find a fix any ideas throw them at @d1sturbed666

  • Rajveerdeol

    How did you install spire

  • Dstewart_22

    no, does not take care of the iBooks crash issue……

  • iphonizerlouie

    It is all working for me,

  • Saad_sami99

    They say n oword for the 4s jailbreak Typing from my ipad2 been waiting for past 4months

  • Darknezz

    Or, you can update MS through Cydia.

    1. Goto Cydia
    2. Go to the changes section
    3. Hit refresh. Wait, it should take a while because of all the traffic.
    4. Notice there is a update for Mobile Substrate. Install it.
    5. Profit $$$


    Yea i was just going to do that LOl

  • Batrobin

    I still get the 60000ms error

  • Bapu65

    HELP — can t upgrade / restore no matter what I did – edited host file, # the tiny umbrella entry, restart, “not eligible for the …”, deleted the t u entry, restart, same same — drives me nuts — same on iPad 1 and iPhone 4 HELP

  • Erick

    So any good experiences with it ?

  • Phone3gs

    can any body help with Location problem :S

  • Bapu65

    Update: It works !!!! Called up “hosts’ again — and the entry was still there — must have not saved correctly — or whatever happened – deleted the line, save, reboot, into iTunes, update (from apple server), system does a back up and here were go — also d/l tiny umbra and un ticketed the boxes for cydia and ssh entry, just to be sure — no more 1303 or 3002 errors, update went fine, restore as well — and done, just running redsnow 0.9.10b3 — you guys rock — We are the 99 %!

  • Bapu65

    and I ve donated some dish as well as a small ty

  • Sukh_x

    iphone 4 , i used redsnow and finished jailbreak but the phone is stuck on apple logo and not starting up.HELP!

  • AXE

    I had the same problem, just jailbreak again and it will fix it.

  • Ryno Arthurson

    How can i easily update my jailbreak? I did the Redsn0w 0.9.10b JB, and getting only a few small errors. Do I need to do a full restore and JB again, or can I run the new Redsn0w over the top?

  • Aa Player47

    the download link for redsn0w is not working
    please help

  • Ji0s

    You can just run the new redsnow 0.9.10b3 over it with no problems. Just make sure that you deselect the install cydia box since its already on your device. Should be no problem.

  • ipad1

    Can you tell me if the ibooks work with redsnow 0.9.10b3

  • Ariomacho

    What happen if I using redsnow 0.9.10b3 to jailbreak my iPad 2 ios 5.0.1 …. does anybody try before?

  • Mahon050678

    sorry mate ibooks is not working in redsnow 0.9.10b3 i have been looking for a way to fix it all night hopefully redsnow is looking for away to fix this bug i hope

  • Nike_08

    i got ios 5.0.1 untethered just done it with redsnow 0.9.10b3 but cydia doesnt download anything just says, host unreachable anyone help?

  • A-bajaj94

    My ipod touch does not connect to itunes, cant open safari, cydia, youtube or any other application that i got out of cydia.
    also i cant put it in DFU mode what do i do to fix this??

  • Peter

    i was on 0.9.10b.1 unthered jailbreak ios 5.0.1 all my apps would crash when i open them so i rejailbreak ios 5.0.1 now using 0.9.10b.3 it fixes the app crashing i uncheck cydia its allready installed from the first jailbreak and they still chrase so i oped up cydia reinstalled mobile substrate to see if that fixes it didnt do nothing wtf !!!! they said this fixes the apps from not openning hellp someone hellllp!!!! and i went on cydia and reinstalled mobile substrate nothing happennnded helpp!!!

  • Peter

    this jailbreak 5.0.1 unthered jailbreak only works for iphone 3gs, 4 ipod touch 3g and 4th gen and the ipad 1 does not support the iphone 4s or the ipad 2 they are comiing out with that latter there figuaring it out

  • Bardhyl N. Salihu

    Is there ANY way to downgrade baseband from 4.11.08 to the unlockable 4.10.01 in a gevey sim? I made the horrible mistake of upgrading without a custom IPSW and now I’m stuck. I tried restoring to 4.2.1 and 4.3 but none of them downgraded by baseband. Some say 4.3.5 does downgrade it but there are no SHSH blobs for that restore. I’m going totally biserk!!

    I hope Dev Team finds time and energy to unlock 4.11.08 after being done with the untethered version. So many people are dependent on it.

  • Ashley Schrader

    I have an iPhone 4 running 5.0.1. I jailbroke it Tuesday and last night it crashed and was stuck on the Apple logo. I tried just running the redsn0w 0.9.10b3 over it and at one point it was stuck on the pineapple logo. I got tired and just left my phone stuck on the Apple logo and when I woke up my phone seemed to be working fine. I came to find, though, that my Mail app won’t work, Safari won’t open, and my jailbreak apps were visible but would not open. It’s like my phone is stuck between Apple and jailbreak purgatory because my Glasklart icons are active but I can’t customize anything.

    Is my only option to restore and re-jailbreak? If so, that’s okay, but if there’s a quicker fix I would really love to hear it. Thank you to anyone with advice!

  • Melissa

    I am having this same issue where my apps keep crashing, so if anyone has any suggestions to fix this, that would be great. Also finding phone is running a tad slower, not sure if anyone else is experiencing this issue. Another issue is sometimes I get white icons on my screen such as “adsheet” and a few others.

  • Christian Duvall

    Worked great! Thanks for the tutorial!

  • Itzikman

    Ashley Schrader, My jailbreak has the same symptoms you mentioned (iPhone 4).
    The only solution was restore to factory state.
    In my opinion, the jailbreak solution is not mature yet and there are bugs not solved…one should wait (for a while) till all issues in JB are fixed including cydia upgrades not yet compatible with iOS 5.0.1.

  • mike6

    i updated my 4th gen ipod to 5.0.1 and jailbroke it with redsnow and i got cydia fine, but my safir wont work it comes up as a blank whitte screen and closes after a min or two, also when i open any folder it slides up and the only way to get out of it is to hit the sleep button, alot of other lil problems and crashes what do i do?

  • Anonymous

    this is all so damn complicated compared to Android…. is ipad 2 501 jb even out yet? WTF

  • Itzikman

    There is a fix for iBooks through cydia..just Google it, you will have to install the proper source package and then a tweak within the package..

  • Gibletz

    What the hell? Are all these problems just associated with people who ran the tethered jailbreak and then ran this one without restoring? I’m still using Redsn0w 0.9.10b1 without a single issue because I never tethered, I waited for an untethered jailbreak, and then DFU’d and restored to stock 5.0.1 firmware, and then jailbroke it.. Apps run fine, no crashes, Safari works, mail works, everything just flat out works, what is going on? Or am I just stupidly lucky? :S

  • Ashley Schrader

    Thanks Itzikman! Sorry to hear you’re dealing with the same issues. I’m going to go against better judgment and jailbreak again after I restore but if the same issues arise again I will just wait. I’ve been un-jailbroken for a couple of months now anyway so it won’t kill me if I have to do it again.

  • Viper353

    I just found out that my Facetime app icon was gone (iPhone 4 32gb locked 4.11.08 so I can’t use it yet as a phone). And another thing is that I can’t turn my iMessage toggle to “On”, it automatically returns to off as I toggle it on.

    These are what I did:
    1. Restore to iOs 5.0.1
    2. After restore Jailbroke my iPhone using redsn0w
    3. Check out my iPhone and facetime is still not appearing.

    Anyone experiencing this? Please help me :D

  • f7387

    stupid question (feel free to point to an faq page) but i ran the b2 jailbreak, and when i tried to install a non AT&T sim, it flashed an “invalid sim” message. how do i get around this? i moved outside the US two months ago, and my less-than-year-old iPhone 4 has been nothing but a fabulously expensive iPod touch!

  • Melissa

    So for anyone that was having a problem similar to me where the applications kept crashing, I found the fix (at least it worked for me). The app Spire was causing the issue, the moment I deleted it I do not have any issues opening applications. Hope this works for those experiencing same issue!

  • v0002

    search for unlocks instead of jailbreaks

  • Itzikman

    The painful part of this experience was that I manage to install most of the apps and tweaks from Cydia (like having a complete new iPhone 4), and 2 days later a disappointing crash, it took me 2 days to convert the iP4 to a different bread.
    However I won’t go again through this process without making sure that the JB solution works !

  • Itzikman

    bread > breed..

  • Naveed_ngr

    First you should have used custom ipsw to preserve baseband so you can stay unlocked.

    Secondly if you have upgraded from ios 4 to to ios 5.0 or 5.0,1 then you will not find facetime in homepage instead you will find it in setting,where you can activate it.

  • Cock_sparrer

    why don’t you find the hack for the ipad2 mate? that should shut you up instead

  • Cock_sparrer

    throw it down the chute

  • Angel Tan

    anyone online here to help me? my iphone3gs won’t have any service at all. i’ve tried everything but it’s not working. can i still downgrade back to any 4.xx ios?reply back anyone please… T___T

  • shazza

    update 3 worked fine for me on iPhone 3gs – ios 5.0.1 , everything seemed cool – but then I tried to install WifiSMS, and couldn’t connect. So did OpenSSH, same deal. It appears that it’s disabled all external access to the phone. Anyone have any ideas on what I need to do?

  • Sazzat

    I’m having the same problem. I can’t see facetime anywhere. In contacts, settings or in restriction. No where I can see facetime button. (iphone4 32GB ios 5.0.1)

  • amir master

    back to 4.3.3 !!!!!! god Daaaaaamn untethered jailbreak …. my phone stuck on apple logo again and again and again and again !!!! if u want use Siri or newsstand then buy a 4S !! hate 5.0.1 !!

  • Ryan Tea

    Updated to 5.0.1 and jailbroke it with redsn0w b3, but now it randomly loses signal and turns off wifi by itself and comes back on (sort of like airplane mode on and off). Does anyone else have the same problem? I used a custom ipsw firware of 5.0.1 because this iphone 3GS has the ipad 06.15.00 baseband. Please help!

    I also tried restoring it to the custom ipsw firmware without the jailbreak and it still acts crazy with the signal and wifi. I don’t know what to do to fix this problem

  • Ryan Tea

    this happens to me sometimes. It cuts off and on randomly

  • Viper353

    Well about BB, I had no choice. I got it as a 5.0.1 already so its BB was already updated so it was alright for me. But the facetime was really not here. I jailbroke/restored couple of times already and its still not showing up. Yes I did activate it. And still the iMessage toggle doesn’t turn on. :|

  • Viper353

    Oh another thing, I used to have an iPod touch 4 before my iPhone 4 so I tried what I did before using iMessage. Now when I try to send a message to another users email it says: “Cannot Send Message – MMS Messaging needs to be enabled to send to an email address”

  • Anonymous

    Dev Team thanx for the jailbreak but here is my error
    iphone 3gs using redsn0w_win_0.9.10b3

    load configuration for 2 partitions
    mounting rootfs as read only …
    appleBCMWLANCore::handle …. Error
    what can i do to make it work
    my iphone works but i get no service and its a simlock free phone

  • Akmalv1

    1)Open Cydia
    2)Install Ultras0w 1.2.5
    3)Respring or reboot your iphone
    4)If you’re lucky your device might also been unlock since it is unlocking program
    5)Open Settings-Airplane mode On–>Off and then On again
    6)Now your wifi should have no problem


  • h singh

    ALL DONE….phone is jailbreaked and unlocked…all well. BUT I still can’t figured it out why iBooks is giving errors?? I simply can’t open it.
    Any help/suggestions would be much appreciated!!

  • Guest

    Open cydia and search for iBooksFix2, install and reboot phone. iBooks should now work again

  • Mo

    I just tried that and your right, that worked for me too. A ton of my apps would not work. Facebook, Twitter, Fandango and the list goes on…thanks for the post. I had jailbroke my phone about 4 times since the untethered came out

  • Guest

    See reply to the first post on here, there is a iBooksFix and it worked for me

  • Guest

    Install iBooksFix2 from cydia and reboot phone. iBooks should now work again

  • Klasniedryg

    Did you ever fix this issue? I cannot find an answer anywhere! Jailbroke my phone 4-5 times. Then once I install Spire, none of my apps work. They don’t launch.

  • Pipen8

    I hv jalibreaked with Redsn0w 0.9.01b2 & now i found that 0.9.10b3 is available (is it fixed the stuck in apple logo ) ?

  • Nudge_me

    skype keep crashen after the jailbreak !

  • Shams

    After re-jailbreaking with Reds0w 0.9.10b3 and installing Appsync for iOS 5 and Intallous, my iPhone 4 says springboard crashed and opens safe mode again and again…. Any solution for this please… I am just fed-up of this error…

  • chris

    same crshing problems as b2 and b1, i open facebook app, twitter and pandora they all crash!!!

    any idea how to fix this?

  • Trentsm

    Do you have Spire or Copic installed? They are known to cause that problem with the new untethered JB.

  • Ashley Schrader

    Okay last night I restored my phone, jailbreak again, and downloaded all of my cydia apps. My springboard kept crashing and wouldn’t leave safe mode and I deleted a few things like LiveClock and some themes. Everything is completely fine now and working perfectly.

    Does anyone know if LiveClock is a cause of problems? I’m staying away from it now.

  • Anonymous

    dude…. STFU if you have nothing good to say

  • paul

    i keep gettin an error, it says mountung rootfs as read only

  • Sami Eid

    any news about 4s please help!!!

  • Anand Patel

    I did the b1 jailbreak and everything was all good. I decided to download Siri, and after messing around with it, it didn’t really work. So I uninstalled it, and that’s when the boot logo freeze happened. I tried to use b3, to restore and nothing. I tried to go back to b1, nothing. Do not do any of the Siri hacks!

  • Mdm5873

    Everything seams to have gone well, but when ran redsn0w my phone gave “no successful firmware download after 60000ms!! Giving up…” but the jailbreak seams to have worked. What is this message about?

  • DoItYourself

    Why don’t you make jailbreaks for these devices yourself then?

  • necronen

    Slow (Laggy) response when swiping between application pages. It feels like something is running on the background.
    Jailbroken my iPod Touch 4th 32Gb using redsn0w 0.9.10b3

  • thisis

    i’m also updated my iphone 4 with IOS 5.0.1. also baseband 4.11.08 Gevey unlock not working now.
    also im trying to jailbreak by Redsnow 0.9.10b3 but it is not working for me!
    Redsnow stopped during
    Patching Kernel….
    and automatically closed. im already tried task manager-> Redsnow CPU 0 unchecked!

  • Neo16121285

    will this solve the wifi issue? i only have the wifi problem. it disconnects from time to time.

  • Rehman Khan

    Hi, iam getting error by redsnow 0.9.10b3 on ipod 3 why its happen to me , can somebody help me out

  • Mdm5873

    Sorry. I do not know anything about iPod.

  • TinaK

    i ran this jb over the previous tethered one & all was great until i rebooted my phone. Now it seems to be still tethered bc none of the cydia apps work & no safari

  • Shams

    Nope Trentsm i have not installed Spire or Copic..The Problem occured when i first installed redsnow 0.9.10b3.. when i reboot my iPhone a message appears saying “We apologize but springboard just Crashed mobile substrate did not caused this problem and your device is running on Safe mode” and it says to restart… can anyone understand me how this problem has caused and how to fix this… Thanks…Shams.

  • M13ttf

    having lots of problems when trying to download things on cydia… getting ‘size mismatch’ error all the time… any help greatly appreciated…

  • Chidingrain

    does this fix ibooks?

  • Chidingrain

    there is no ibooksfix2 in cydia only ibooksfix

  • Sjddds

    it didn’t fix ibooks for me! i use stanza now and it works fine

  • jaspreet singh

    Was using my iphone 4 on ios 4.0.2 uthethered and thn updated it with 5.0.1 via redsn0w 0.9.10b2…everything works great but BIG BIG BIG problem with PUSH NOTIFICATIONS !!


  • Bro

    there was no untethered for ios 4.0.2

  • RUSHfan2112

    Hey All, Been out of the game since Jailbreaking and unlocking my 3G for T-mobile a couple of years ago. Got a free 3GS from my buddy that’s running 5.0 (9A334) and 5.16.05. I successfully used the latest RedSnow (10b3) today to JB and Cydia seems to be working fine. So, can I unlock 5.16.05 for T-Mobile using UltraSnow, or am I screwed for now? Also, as I’m on 5.0, should I bother with 5.0.1, or consider downgrading to 4.x of some kind for an Ultrasnow unlock? Any advice is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance for your reply. Happy New Year to all!

  • Anonymous

    I read through many of the comments in this forum and I feel your frustrations..
    I went twice through the JB process and this is my advice to the JB’s users:

    1) Before JB, reset all settings on your phone and restore as new phone (configure only Wi-Fi)
    2) JB with b3 (don’t restore yet from backup)
    3) Install only the essential cydia Sources packages (never all sources)
    4) Install any apps and tweaks from cydia (as you wish)
    5) Now install your apple apps from backup

    My iPhone 4 runs stable with all the cydia’s tweaks & tricks

  • Chickenchowmien

    i had a tethered jailbreak on ios 5.0.1 on an iphone 4 for at&t. safari wouldnt work for me. i decided to install dolphin just as a work around. first time i ran dolphin it froze up, so i rebooted. after that, safari started to work, and so does dolphin. cydia apps ok as well.

  • Djvynl

    try turning off and on your i device. It worked for me when I got that error.

  • Djvynl

    You may need to select IPSW firmware in the extras section of Redsn0w. I got the same error and after DL the firmware and pointing to it before the JB, I had no problems.

  • Djvynl

    Make sure that you have your device in DFU mode, in extras point to correct IPSW and try again.

  • Djvynl

    The xsellize Cydia repo contains the iBooks Fix for iOS 5

  • Christian Marineau

    i waited for the untethered jailbreak and my iMessage doesn’t work and either does my FaceTime… I’m pretty pissed off because i don’t even get the messages from my friends who have iMessage now… what a waste

  • Djvynl

    I had the same problem, what I did was backup my idevice, then do a complete restore in iTunes. Now it should be setup like a new device with nothing on it. Then go through the JB process again. Make sure to go into extras and point to the IPSW of your firmware. Some people recommend that you go to the ipad baseband, but I kept mine on 05.16.05 and JB with 0.9.10b2 and got a successful JB. No more sim errors. If you need to unlock, just run Ultrasn0w after the successful JB, then restore your backup. You should be good to go. Hope this helps.

  • Djvynl

    Had the same problem, delete your Safari download manager in cydia, your safari should run again after respring. At least that is what happened to me. Hope this helps.

  • Anonymous

    Same here. I am also running Redsn0w 0.9.10b1 without any issues.

  • Guest


  • Brian

    i had just gotten my ipod 4g ios 5.0.1 a week or so ago… i jail broke it with redsnow and now some of my apps close automatically. also half of my music wont work and, lastly it reboots itself at random times.

  • Brian

    i forgot to mention that when i am charging it, it will say fully charged then i unplug it and it will be at like 25% battery.

  • amir master

    on 4.3.3 i install over 40 tweeks on my iphone n now 5.0.1 its stuck on apple logo after installing 10 tweeks !!!!…0.9.10b3 is Fake Too !!! back to 4.3.3 and its better than f**** 5.0.1 !!! if i want use Siri or newstand i will buy a iphone 4s !! untethered jailbreak 5.0.1 is Fake !! or trail verision or sample or somthing like this !!

  • amir master

    in 5.0.1 cant use Celeste bluetooth… or itracker or lockdownPro or ………… :| :| :| F*** that

  • Rg7

    What a lot of BS you speak, kid, I’ve been on iOS 5.0.1 since this untethered jb was released, and I have all the tweaks I used on 4.2.1 and my iPhone 4 has been flawless.

    Why would they release a “fake” redsn0w?!?!

    You’re clearly doing something wrong if it isn’t working for you.

  • Rg7

    Use iBooks fix from xsellize repo.

    I had no issues with iBooks personally, but I did fix it for a friend yesterday.

  • Dez2112

    Android devices suck mate!!!

  • Des2112

    The iBooks fix for ios5 from xsellize repo works like a charm.

  • Indiansrgr8

    download Redsn0w 0.9.10b and full enjoy for untethered jailbreak 5.0.1…. facebook, twitter running smoothly and all is well, i am very happy and thnx pod2g’s u save my iphone 4g….. really u r gr8 and u win ……………

  • fineblade4

    some of the apps ur trying to run at the same time are contradicting and cant work together so it jus reboots.. this happened to me when i tried to use moving wallpaper and 3D wallpaper at the same time.. let it stay in safe mode go into cydia and delete the app that u recently downloaded that u think is contradicting..?? i think hope it helps

  • Dave

    Will I have to back anything up before I run b3 over b1? Or will all of my Cydia tweaks still be there?

  • linux6543

    “this is all so damn complicated compared to Android…. is ipad 2 501 jb even out yet? WTF”


  • Keon Caesar

    i have a iphone 3gs running on ios 5.01 with 6.15 baseband and 6.4 bootloader. i jailbroke it with redsnow 9.10b3 and dowloaded repo ultrasnow in cydia. a couple errors came up and when it finished it said no service. anybody know a fix for this?

  • Jcdomingo86

    i also have the same problems but i got it to finally working again i think this is one of the bugs…so what i did for my 3gs i jailbroke it on a tethered jailbreak using snowbreeze then installed corona. at first there was no service. turned airplane mode on and off for couple of times then after when its trying to search a signal…. i use dialer dialed number sign “#” while searching for signal. took me a couple of try’s but afterwards it has a signal on T-mobile. i hope these helps u

  • Blitzn

    If you’re still having trouble gaining access to your iphone via OpenSSH try selecting the SSH icon. Refresh via the Refresh icon, you will notice it turns off or its not even enabling SSH. What is working for me is to enable SSH (but dont refresh) hit the Home button to close OpenSSH and then power off your iphone. Once rebooted and you have opened OpenSSH “SSH” should be green giving you access to your iphone…Works for me

  • Natan_ababa


  • Lahabiamin

    Ahmed , I have jail broken ios 5.0.1 ( cdma ) the problem is that caller ID doesn’t appear , just numbers , though they are already in my contacts .

  • Secret

    All I can say is PERFECT! :D THANK YOU SO MUCH!

  • Vinhlong7

    once restored as new phone, how can u set up JB and then restore from old phone ? thought u have to set up before hand on ios 5.01 ?

  • Itzikman

    One should have a backup before starting the process.
    After JB, synchronize your iPhone with iTunes to get back your apps..
    Don’t do a restore after JB.

  • MD House

    Springboard crash again and again. Jailbreak with redsn0w (3). All time exit safe mode. Restart and then it works goed. If I start with the home-button, springboard crashed again. Please help!

  • Ahmed Pabel

    I can not jailbreak my ipad 2 iso 5.0.1..when i select IPSW its show unsupported IPSW, I try Redsn0w 0.9.10b3, 0.9.9b9d, 0.9.9b8 but did not work…how can i jailbreak my ipad 2??? any one plz help…….

  • Noel

    redsnow doent recognize the firmware for ios 5.0.1 i believe..try using the firmware of 5.0 …i believe it should work…..tried it on an ipod with 5.0.1 but tethered though.

  • Noel

    redsnow doent recognize the firmware for ios 5.0.1 i believe..try using the firmware of 5.0 …i believe it should work…..tried it on an ipod with 5.0.1 but tethered though.

  • Shams

    Still no change…. the erroe appears when i turn my phone on….

  • Shams

    Yaap! MD House! I have the same problem but still i haven’t got any cure for this… please anyone help…..

  • Tim


    Iphone 4
    Phone was completely charged
    Updated to 5.0.1 (9A405)
    Home + Power buttons were working fine

    I have already jailbroken one phone with the lastest version of redsn0w.

    I updated the second iphone 4 to 5.0.1 (9A405) with itunes and proceeded to jailbreak it with redsn0w. In the process of jailbreaking, while the phone was already in dfu mode, redsn0w encountered an error. I did not encounter this error the first time I was jailbreaking. Trying to get around this by restarting the program did not help so I thought I would restart from the beginning by exiting dfu…

    In the past, I have usually been able to enter dfu mode by holding home + power for 10 seconds then releasing “power”. I have also been able to exit dfu and boot normal by holding home + power for 10 seconds and then releasing “home”.

    In my attempt to exit dfu, my phone did not restart like it usually does, the logo popped up and then went blank. The problem is that it is currently not responding, is not being recognized by my computer or itunes as a phone, nor is it being recognized as in dfu/recovery mode. The phone was fully charged so I know it is not a battery issue and it also has working control buttons

    Any advice?

  • MD House

    I’m not alone…

  • Shams

    For sure…

  • rehzident

    whats your email tim

  • Shady5s

    I have updated from 4.01 to 5.01 with custom frame ware with redsnow 0.9.10b3 as I am unlocked iphone 4. It’s working fine, however, my Imessage and Facetime is not working. Could anyone help please.

  • Rehzident

    Have you tried jailbreaking it again?

  • Jackel15

    Same here. I really don’t want to go through a restore. Can’t we just dl a cydia patch or something, please there’s got to be an easier way.

  • Antz

    i have the same problem. does it have anything to do with hactivation?

  • Martin

    well… same problem here

    iMessage & Facetime not working + most of the apps :(

  • tey123

    i have an iphone 4
    modem firmware 4.11.08
    version 5.0.1 (9a405)

    i haven’t jailbreaked this device before… my question is

    should i still download the pwnage tool to jailbreak my device?

    or i can just jailbreak my IP4 using redsn0w_win_0.9.10b3 ?

  • Ammar

    same issue here , and i tried every solution but still Imessage and Facetime not working.. please let me know if u find anything!!

  • Joe Mellon

    all of my apps work except facebook. it was working for a day or two, then i started getting apps and tweaks from cydia, and now facebook crashes before login. i scrapped all the tweaks and whatnot i downloaded and still nothing. anybody got any suggestions…


  • Blahblah469

    I too am having problems with my 3Gs. Keep shutting down and restarting…

  • Bee

    same problem. Unless I uninstall Mobile Substrate and Safe Mode Substrate (which almost all tweaks require including ultrasnow), the jailbreak always boots to safe mode.

  • VR

    so right now there is no stable JB for 5.0.1?

  • SBF

    (Reference Source: Google Search & A Genius Guy)

    1) install (if you have already delete and re-install) ibooks from itunes (do not open it !!!)
    2) install ibookfix2 (from Cydia / insanely repo)
    3) respring your device
    4) reboot your device
    5) install Sbsettings (from Cydia / big boss repo)
    6) Open Sbsettings
    7) Open System Options (at the bottom / in System Wide Options) 8) Open “Fix User Dir Permissions”
    9) Press “Fix Me”
    10) Press home button

    THAT’s it :) Enjoy….

  • Ashahzad17

    does jailbreaking also unlocks the iphone

  • Blasterjake

    Ive tried b1, and b3. They get stuck on “waiting for reboot” with my iPhone rebooting and nothing else happening. Tried again and again. Anyone know?

  • john e. koh

    is ibooks fixed with redsn0w 0.9.10b3?

  • Kyle Staack

    After a week of searching, I so happen to stumble upon this comment, thank you so much!!!

  • Owaiz

    Same here, i even tried installing a cracked version of skype but to no avail, tried older versions n they dont support, so only 3.x versions work…but ive seen my friend’s phone who me myself jailbroke using the same tool, n it works for him, donno why not me.

  • Kevinsj1999

    im stuck in recovery mode after jail break HELP ANNYONE?!

  • Killerzone223

    Some one help i don’t know how to jail break.

  • Antonioli12

    You got to be specific

  • anon

    I would like to say that i have the same issue regarding facetime BUT iMessage works flawlessly for me.

  • Chasecp714

    Jailbroke once, cord came unplugged midway through the part that takes place on the device. now everytime i try to startup, the loading circle thing 1. goes around for a few seconds, 2. freezes in one spot for a second, 3. makes the beep noise the ipod makes when plugged into itunes, and 4. does stepes 1-4 over again….. now i cant startup, so i cant shutoff. im stuck in a midway limbo of the ipod struggling to turn on. tried re-jailbreaking it, and forcing dfu mode, but half the time the jailbreak screen with the list of white commands run through the screen, stops and says ERROR, and half the time it works but i just end up with the same problems 1-4. i cant restore on itunes because it doesnt recognize it plugged in, and it wont startup, so i cant even shutdown. any help at all would be helpful so i could at least get it to startup again. anyone at all??????? please :(

  • Joe Drew

    Just want to Say thanks to RedSnow and Pod2g for this update. I jailbroke my iOS 5.0.1 iTouch 4g within 2 hours of the release of Redsnow 0.9.10b1 and had Battery Issues :( . But now since i ran over that jailbreak with Redsnow 0.9.10b3 everything works beautifully :)

  • Surfcombat


  • Aparajith guha

    aparajith guha : guys i updated from 4.1 to 5.0.1 then i jailbroke it but after jailbreaking it cydia works , SAFARI does not work , AppSTORE not workin , All the apps i install from Installous are not WORKIN please help me guys , REALLY In NEED FOR YOU HELPPPP !!!!! :( :( :(

  • Aparajith guha

    i jailbroke with redsn0w 9.10 B3

  • dazzler547

    hi to all that might be able to help me. i have a iphone 4 16gb on three network and its jailbroken ios 4.3.3. but for some unknown reason i can not use it on any other network i have tryed vodafone and o2 please please please can someone help me thanks

  • Shadow_demon3333

    Hello have you try the recovery fix in tiny umbrella? Or holding down both power and home button for about 30 to 40 seconds?? I have really done a number on my iPod- phone( yosion peel) by doing these types of things and I always manage to get it working again. Email me if you have further concerns or problems; ) hope all goes well with yours!

  • Shadow_demon3333

    Tiny umbrella is our friend!! Try the recovery fix! Best of luck.

  • Shadow_demon3333

    Did you read the article your posting this comment on?

  • Aparajith guha

    Use a geevey sim I think it costs around 1800 rupees

  • Anonymous

    thanks but i am in the uk mate

  • robieber

    hi anyone that could help me?
    i jailbreak my iphone4 to 5.0.1 using redsnow 0.9.10b1 and it does drain my battery,now i want to jbreak using 0.910b3.the problem is, i dont know how…should i just go n open redsnow new version and jailbreak it with b3 while im on jbreak on b1?tnx for the help

  • Duffjr

    I’m playing around with an easy fix now, but I don’t have any luck running redsn0w again. I assume your baseband is 6.15.00. If it isn’t, please disregard this fix:

    1)Restore iPhone to stock 5.0.1 using baseband preservation mode in sn0wbreeze from ih8sn0w dot com. Once restored, don’t touch any settings on the activation screen.

    2)Open up the new redsn0w 0.9.10b3, and install Cydia. Make sure Location services are disabled when you setup the iPhone. If you accidentally touch Enable, you need to restore again.

    3)Once setup, go to Settings, and enable Location Services again. That should fix the issue.

  • iphonegek

    just restore ur phone to the update 5.0.1 and re-jailbreak it again with redsn0w 0.9.10b3. If you do the way you refer, it would cause malfunction of jailbreaking the phone.

  • iphonegek

    did u use redsnow 0.9.10b3? If you did, so all u need to do is Hold down power button and home button at the same time to reset the phone until apple logo appears and everything is ok. Because that was what happened to me.

  • neo5814

    please help i jb my ipod touch 4g 8g with redsn0w 0.9.10b3 and now i am having problems with game center cause i cannot change my status:( …………………..hellllllllllllpppppppp….

  • Grid

    You need to get it unlocked by the sounds of it mate. And 4.3.3 will have a baseband not compatiable with ultrasn0w (unlocking software). Did you get it on contract or did you buy it second hand? If you bought on contract just ring up 3 and they will unlock it for you for around £15. If you got it second hand…your stuck mate they won’t unlock it unless the original owner asks to. Then there is only one way but its too expensive I mean £80-£100 expensive

  • Yuenchunkit Aron

    I already tried to use b3 to fix over existing b1 jailbreak,but my safari still does not work,PLEASE HELP!!!tell me how to fix that issue!

  • Anonymous

    Cheers for the advice,I don’t think I will bother now seems to be too much agro….

  • LeanderV

    hye, I have an Iphone 3G S and I updated to ios 5.0.1 and used the first jailbreak redsnow b1, the problem I have now, is that I don’t have any connection from my provider.. could this be caused by the fact that I upgraded my baseband? Because I have no connection at all. So I Wcan’t text, or call anyone. I can update to ios5 and jailbreak all I want and it works , but i never get any connection. PLEASE HELP, because if i can’t text or call anyone I’m basically stuck with an expensive ipod touch. PLEASE HELP ME, why don’t I have any connection with my network. I can’t even go on the internet, only when i’m at a wifi spot. What should I do??? And i know that there is a new redsnow but the new one fixes other bugs, nothing that has to do with connection problems. PLEASE HELP

  • Tpteagles

    I JB my phone with redsnow 0.9.10b1. How do I update it to Redsnow 0.9.10b3 without losing everything? Do I just hit Everything Else instead of Jailbreak and install cydia?

  • Nishan666

    i also have the same problem. can u mail me

  • Frodo

    Hi all
    I have jailbreak my iphone few days ago, everything working good, but problem is I cant get any app into my iphone. I used Redsnow 0.9.10b3 jailbreak.
    Thanks for all help

  • teak

    This didn’t work for me. I’m still having issues with the connectivity. It drops me from my call when this occurs too

  • Spidee601

    Ok, I have a Verizon Iphone 4, I restore to IOS 5.0.1 through Itunes. I didn’t backup anything. I tried Redsnow 10b1,10b and 10b3. Phone just boots as normal, will not jailbreak. Now, I can’t even get Itunes to restore it again so. Keeps giving me errors. I tried using the tiny umbrella to force a restore through but that won’t work either. Anyone else having problems with Jailbreaking a Verizon Iphone4 to 5.0.1?

  • Ryan Moore

    on my Verizon iPhone 4, i keep running redsn0w (b3) and it will go all the way through to the “rebooting iphone” page, reboots the iphone, but then just stays on that screen. the phone reboots and is perfectly usable but is not jailbroken (and no Cydia)… anyone heard of this?

  • Christian

    I have iphone 3gs New-Boot Room with ipad BB, my problem is after jailbreak, my phone lose the signal the Wifi and then restarts, each 2 or 3 hours this update can help me?, please my proble is going me crazy!!!

  • Eng_a_kalash

    hi i have an iphone 4 BB 2.10.4 upgraded through Redsn0w 0.9.10b3 preserving the baseband by custom built IPSW, and restored with itunes as per instructions
    when i connect the phone with Redsn0w 0.9.10b3 it gets stuck on “please wait while your build is being identified” and nothing woks.
    any help on this

  • Ram13288

    i updated my verizon iphone to ios 5.0.1 and when i run redsnow it crashes after i put the phone in DFU mode. im on windows xp and i just get an error message

  • Guest

    Exactly the same thing happened with my 4g iTouch.


    i jailbroken my iphone4 and tried to install barrel apps,it is not working,always asking for reference loader…help pls

  • Guest

    I’ve had the same crash issue with a stock 3GS (never jailbroken) as Ram13288 and others just updated to 5.0.1. BB is 05.16.05. I can recover the phone by holding pwr & home for a length period of time.

    Is there something else to try please?


  • Agtsoft

    FYI I have the exact same issue.

  • Djdebonair

    having the same problem, point to the ispw first isn’t helping… =( CAN ANYONE HELP ME get past this ?

  • Philimo

    theres 1 bug if you jailbreak your device you cant use iBooks as long as you deinstall the jailbreak also if you want to use iBooks you have to reinstall your iOS version without jailbreak

  • Hasdolce

    ibook and Vocalive ain’t working…fix that please I am a musician n i use Vocalive alot i can’t use the iPod library anymore to pull out my musics !!!

  • Anonymous

    i just figure out how to fix ibooks bug…uninstall and reinstall it without open it…go on cydia, search and install “iBooks Fix for IOS 5″ once u do it ibooks should work fine…!!!

  • Anonymous

    but i still don’t know how to fix Vocalive issue does someone have any idea ?

  • Minee

    I have the same problem as you said. Anyone give me the suggestion.

  • Ajgoulet1

    After it does the exploiting with limerain part my ipod just reboots without asking to install cydia or anything. What do i do?

  • Pepsicanman4

    my ipod is crashed and is stuck on apple logo and won t turn on… email me at if you can help….

  • ben

    i also have the same problem. can u mail me

  • Bdkelley0276

    I have an iPhone 3GS on 5.0.1 jailbroken with redsnow 0.9.10b3 with iPad baseband 6.15.00 and everything works fine but my iMessages I tried going back through iTunes but it won’t let me set up as a new iPhone I’m guessing because of the baseband it won’t activate. I had to restore from iCloud back up but still no iMessages. Any advice is a big help. Please and thanx?! Also I’m on AT&T if that makes any difference

  • Kelsey

    My safari won’t start anymore.
    Iphone 4 IOS 5.0.1 jailbroken with redsnow 0.9.10.b3

    it worked fine untill this afternoon.
    any solutions?

  • Impudent_1

    Force restart your phone by holding the HOME + POWER button untill you see the apple logo appear. Then try reload safari. Worked for me

  • Maritzareyna

    This fixed mine also, I did the Untethered Jailbreak using Sn0wBreeze and after install Frash (Version of Flash Player) it started failing, thanks to your solution I fixed it. God bless you.

  • Franciscoyongsu

    how do you download redsnow my computer wont work

  • Franciscoyongsu

    i will kill my self if i cant download it

  • Galo93

    I installed CYDIA & tried running ultrasn0w, but it asked abou the IPAD band & it can not be done on my telephone because it is a #135 which will brake the phone, any more ideas how to unlock the simcard?

  • Hondaman20

    ipod4g stuck at waiting for reboot any help?

  • Punatuna0102

    go use snowbreeze for windows or pwnagetool for Mac

  • Scott James Lennox

    i have a iphone 3gs on bb 06.15.00 v5.0.1 and ultrasn0w will not unlock my phone it just comes up with whatever sim card i put on the network name E.g – Orange , O2-UK with no signal bars

    ( any idea how to fix ????? )

  • Webfitz

    I have iPhone 3GS on bb 6.15 running 4.3.3 untethered. Cydia has SHSH for 5.0.1 for my phone. If I update using iTunes, will i have to jailbreak my phone again?

  • Blasterjake

    I fixed it, had to download the custom ipsw and select it in redsnow prior to jailbreak

  • Trinidad Ramirez

    it wont let me get into youtube

  • Tony

    the zip file is empty???

  • metallica25217

    i tryed that but it dident work im running a ipod 4g

  • Peterrmcflyy

    hey i have been having a problem with my iphone..i unlocked the iphone 3gs with 5.0.1 software a couple days ago using the redsn0w 0.9.10b1 but then it died the other night and the phone been saying no service or invalid sim as of late, is there anything you can do to help me out please and thank you…it would be much better if you can take your time out to email me..i would receive that much faster..thanks again in advance if so

  • Geoff Bass


  • Geoff Bass


  • Awesome101


  • Hamada

    Same problem.

  • Scarlet

    I have an Iphone 3G 5.0.1 IOS … I did and I try to install JAILBREAK 3G FaceIt and a message appears that I can not install … Why is that?

  • Scarlet

    Sorry, my Iphone is 3GS!!!

  • omefla

    When i try and enter my IPSW it wont work… it says its bot the right fingerprint… someone help me

  • karan

    i installed 5.1 im my iphone 3gs bt it is locked someone give me a sollution

  • Nanana

    Hi, could somebody help me please, I re-jailbreaked my iphone from redsnow 0.9.10.b1 to 0.9.10.b3 but I forgot de-select the cydia install option. So now I cant delete previously installed apps from cydia cause it isnt in package section. I tryed to delete it with CyDelete but with no succes cause if I reboot or respring apps are back… Any ideas what should I do now?

  • Eyeofthetigers94

    Why is it when i try to downlad RedSn0w it takes me to this google site and want do any thing?

  • Eyeofthetigers94

    All it says is downlading googlegroups the goes off.

  • Raza

    I jailbreaked my ipod touch 4g ios 5.0.1 and now my imessage and facetime is not working !! Please any help !!! Any solution!