Download Skype For New iPad With Retina Display Support Now

by Eduardo on March 26, 2012

Skype is a world famous online video conferencing solution that is used by millions of people each day. The fact that this service can be used through a variety of platforms, both mobile and desktop, is proof enough that Skype is a world leader in video conferencing and is here to stay. Last year Skype released the much awaited app for iPad 2. Earlier today, an update was released which brings Retina Display support to Skype for New iPad.

Skype for New iPad has a huge advantage over FaceTime, Apple’s own video conferencing solution that is supported only by Macs and iOS devices. The iPad user is not allowed to make FaceTime calls via 3G, now 4G LTE in case of third generation iPad. On the other hand, users can make Skype calls from their iPad using network connections. This happens to be one major factor that ensures success of Skype on Apple’s magical tablet.

This particular Skype update is for those who have got the New iPad. Users in the USA will be able to make Skype calls over AT&T or Verizon Wireless 4G LTE networks, which are blazing fast. Calls can also be made over Wi-Fi. The New iPad greatly enhances the user experience of Skype app. This tablet, with it’s gorgeous Retina Display, is absolutely perfect for video conferencing with friends and family. The display itself is amazing to say.

You shouldn’t be worried about getting this update if you own an iPad 2. The Retina Display support will only be obvious to those who have the New iPad. Apart from that, no changes have been made to Skype app for iPad. The best part is that this app can be downloaded any time absolutely free of cost from the iTunes App Store.

Download Skype for New iPad from App Store

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  • Cataclismo

    Um, yes, we’ve heard of Skype. And if we’ve downloaded it before, the App Store has given us the retina update. What’s the news hear? I come here to learn about jailbreaking 5.1, not to learn that Skype exists and is good. Any progress on the jailbreak?

  • this is shit

    if you guyz already need to post shit like this!
    i agree with Cataclismo! we come here to learn about jailbreaking, not skype!
    this site is getting really shitty, it’s full of spelling mistakes, a lot of post are completely useless
    and the give-aways are just fake!

    like if you agree!

  • HatersGonHate

    Chill dumbass. They keep us updated on everything apple. If you and Cataclismo are so concerned with the articles and spelling mistakes then make your own fucking website and write about your own fucking topics. That way you won’t cry when you create and win your own giveaways. #getRaped

  • ?!!?

    Oh Man,
    What the hell are you saying?
    And about what giveaways are you talkin’?
    If you believe they ‘r real, well, then you’ve some serious issues !
    Some time ago, this site was really awesome, i checked it almost every day, There were always some nice and interesting topics, but right now?
    I actually don’t know why I keep visiting this site, there are much better sites out there, without those advertisings, and without fake topic’s to get some more popularity!

    And people just need to think about that!

    -respect for the guys who make sites about some interesting things about jailbreaking
    -but no respect for guys who do it to gain popularity and want to earn money with it !!!

  • Lolz

    @ HatersGonHate

    WannaBeHatersGotPwnd would be a better name for you! :p

  • Chili

    Lolz=transvestite teenager putting Z at the end of words

  • ‘Z’ !!!!!

    Lolz ‘s right! you really got POWNED!

  • Anonymous

    I use Skype on my iPad2 and iPhone 4, but usually I use Google with my Biscotti which is HD on my TV, and has an HD camera. I wish the iPad 4 had an HD camera. I do like the Retina Display though, and as soon as I get the iPad 4 I’m going to take it to work and see what the HD from my employer, DISH. I get two-hundred plus channels, streaming through the internet, live or recorded, all in HD. Ever since I got my first iPhone, I have been watching wherever I go in HD, so the Retina Display will be a great upgrade, and I’ll be the envy of the office.