Here’s How To Change iOS 5 Notification Center Background (Jailbreak Required)

by Ahmed Omar on October 22, 2011

So you installed iOS 5 on your iOS device and you’re enjoying using the new notification center in iOS 5 along with some awesome jailbreak widgets.. Now we’ll show you a small tip that will make the iOS 5 notification center even better. Below is a guide to change the background of your iOS 5 notification center to give it your own stylish background.

The instructions requires your device to be jailbroken on iOS 5. You’ll need Cydia to install some important utilities to get the steps working. You’ll also need an SSH client like WinSCP for Windows or Cyberduck for Mac OS X.

You’ll need a wallpaper to be set as the background of notification center, the wallpaper should be sized as 640 * 960 pixels, you can try to pick up a one.

How To Change iOS 5 Notification Center Background

STEP 1: Open up your iPhone and get into Cydia then search for OpenSSH and install it.

STEP 2: Once installed, get on your Wi-Fi from your iOS device to get the IP address of your network.

STEP 3: Now open the installed SSH client (in this guide we use WinSCP), and type down the following information:

Host name:
Username: root
Password: alpine

STEP 4: From WinSCP, open the below directory:


STEP 5: Scroll down in this directory till you find an image named BulletinListLinen.png or . Now replace it with your favorite image that you want to be the background of your notification center. (P.S. the name of the image must be the same as found in the directory)

STEP 6: Now go to the following directory:


STEP 7: Scroll down until you see a file called: and delete it.

STEP 8: You’re almost done, all you need to do now is to give your device a respring (or reboot) and you’ll get it working.

Comment below in case you need any help or want to share your thoughts!

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  • ShiaWarrior

    Can’t u just use ifile instead of ssh’ing?????

  • Fed

    Using Winterboard is so much easier…

  • Bferguson1121

    I follwed every step, however i now have a clear notification center. Which is cool but very confusing to look at. Delete the original and choose any photo of your liking and change the name to the new photo to the one you deleted and then drag over to the iphone files?

  • Pankaj Rana

    What a LOL…. U NEVER EVER, AGAIN NEVER, have to write these kinds of annoying articles, Author must be a dumb… dont u know about iFile, iFunbox….. New iPhone users totally hate this writing technique!!!! This kind of work is Not expected….

  • Njimi_18

    I suggest another easy way: Just go to iFile from your iPhone, then go System/Library/CoreServices/ and find , delete this file. Then bring another image and change name same as . Respring and done ! Enjoy.

  • Njimi_18

    Update: then go private/var/mobile/Library/Caches and Scroll down until you see a file called: and delete it. Respring done!

  • Evan-roberts

    i have a big enough picture, but it is only in the top left corner.
    ive tryd 4 difrent pics, and followed the steps completly!! D:

  • Ajsthilaire

    Well, I believe it has to be the same size as the original image, it worked for me when I did that

  • Ajsthilaire

    Except, you cant choose a custom image can you?

  • Bhavitpyarra

    how should i replace bulletin list linen with the picture i want

  • Someone You’ll Never Meet

    You spelled SpringBoard wrong. It’s not

  • Åķ Ķħåïřå


  • scukes

    i did all this but the picture is just in the top left corner then stretched to fill the screen

  • Jobran

    it worked thx, on 3gs need smaller pics 480*320

  • Markell Wilson


  • Hugo

    this worked perfectly through just ifile thanks for most of the help though! =)

  • Wstar 1600

    i lost my springbord background?

  • Ice

    This will only work on iOS 5.1 they have changed system names again on ios6. But I figured it out and it’s working