Hackers Working On iOS 5.1 Untethered Jailbreak For iPhone 4S And iPad 2

by Ahmed Omar on March 11, 2012

On the heels of the release of iOS 5.1 to the public and the release of new redsn0w tool version to tethered jailbreak 5.1 for A4 devices, hackers have already started working on finding vulnerabilities in the newly released iOS 5.1.

Jailbreak 5.1 GreenPois0n Absinthe

As has been informed previously, iPhone 4S users who upgraded to iOS 5.1 can’t downgrade to older firmware even they have SHSH blobs saved. Apple blocked the way of downgrading in the iPhone 4S. Any other devices with SHSH blobs saved can be downgrade to iOS 5.0.1 to get untethered jailbreak using our previous guide posted here.

Currently, there’s only a tethered jailbreak for all devices except the iPhone 4S and iPad 2 on iOS 5.1 so the famous iPhone hacker pod2g announced via Twitter that he’s working actively in order to find vulnerabilities in iOS 5.1.

This comes in a to a user asking pod2g about the release date of a jailbreak for what Apple calls “the new iPad”.

As a side note, pod2g the well-known iPhone hacker i0n1c in a tweet telling him that “a little bird told me you’ll have a surprise soon.” What kind of surprise? Can we see greenpois0n absinthe jailbreak tool update for iOS 5.1 soon? Share your thoughts!

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  • Suicid3 BunnY

    Hate these hackers…. Always keeping us on the edge of our seats… Lol these guys will be bringing us a untethered really soon just have faith.

  • Salt60

    Good. Can’t wait and “thank you ” in advance.

  • millerboy15

    I just want to express thanks to all of you wonderful hackers. I cant wait to update my iPhone 4s to 5.1 and jailbreak it. I’m very tech savvy and have the unpolished skills to hack. Anyone interested in helping me email

  • http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id= Dnero Worldpeace

    is it true that Apple has officially stopped signing 5.0.1?

  • necronen

    Yes! After two days iOS 5.1 released to the public.

  • filler

    go go go yes u can do it..

  • T Alzaabi

    Go go go go

  • Kalle

    Every time ionic tells shit. What is with his elevator?

  • heart262

    the hackers are just great they always surprise people, so i think they will as usual and soon

  • Mp5k

    i need the iphone 4s ios 5.1 jailbreak fast

  • http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id= Richard Joseph

    For those one who want ios 5.1 unthered jailbreak is coming on march 17 you can confirmed this information on pod2g twitter

  • Girv

    Hurry up I want my apps back

  • http://profile.yahoo.com/S7Z65Z4KKFZHM3QQICWAPSSPGM Jaron

    your an idiot. along with almost all others here. Can you find vulnerabilities in the ios software? doubt it. so stop bitching and just wait.

  • Jamesis

    Go go go masters….

  • Anonymous

    we need 4.11.08 unlock please

  • http://twitter.com/Rezildans Das Volkan

    Updating to 5.1 is just your stupidity, not jailbreak community’s fault. Even if there’s nothing worth to update, who forced you to do so? Mr. & Ms. “hurry up, I want back my apps” guys…

  • Comic12

    I esteem u guys… then is it certain that in three days we’ll have the jailbreak for ipad 2 ios 5.1?

  • Jtrules08

    If it werent for these hackers you wouldnt have any jailbreak

  • Alambritpop

    commonnnn i cant wait for it. ive been waiting for so longg

  • Jaso

    Stop bitching and being rude they do this so they can help out and get the most out of your I devices and than they release it for public use and ur ungreatfull ass.

  • Anonymous

    Can’t wait! glad i didnt upgrade.. almost did but i reread the article saying it was the 4 not the 4s that had the jailbreak for 5.1

  • Billick35

    Cant Wait!!! One of my friends took my phone and updated and I was soooo mad. But keep on working on it! I need my tweaks back (:

  • Trucountryguy

    waiting patiently for it, my iphone 4S got updated by accident and now lost all my teaks!!! please let us know of the new break!!!!

  • Rajbharvad

    how to jailbreack 4s 5.1

  • Rajbharvad

    how to jailbreack iphone 4s ios 5.1

  • Hikaruhewitt

    I only updated because I like to talk to my phone in Japanese. I’m still disappointed at how limited it is, though.

  • Rs4y2k

    is the jailbreak out for 5.1 iphone 4s?

  • Khooper

    When do you think it will be released?

  • Wilito2390

    when we’ll see a jailbreak ios 5.1 on iphone 4s???

  • Guest1337

    It’s been out for like a week. Shut up.

  • ash

    waithng for 4s jailbreak tutorial.:)

  • Sanyi

    when we’ll see a jailbreak ios 5.1 on iphone 4s???

  • Matthew

    Awaiting on a jailbreak for the iPod Touch 4G running 5.1

  • FlintRoque

    ipad 2 5.1 wifi jailbreak released date please???

  • D791589

    if u cant read u shouldn’t comment they said they are working on the 5.1 untethered and it will be coming soon for the 5.1 but for now suck it up u shouldn’t have updated to 5.1 when there was perfectly good 5.0.1 jailbreaks out and u didnt even get anything good out of the update

  • Hacker

    When is the release date?

  • Hacker

    Redsn0w is soon to be releasing a untethered jailbreak.


    please help me how to jailbreak my ipad 2 ios 5.1……..thank u mr.hacker

  • Ronald Ecarma

    helo guys? we, all iphone 4s version 5.1 waiting but our mr. Hacker always find the answer to our satisfaction sooo just wait and enjoy..Godspeed…

  • omar mughrabi

    hello guys
    I am facing an issue recently with upgrading from 4.x OS on iphone 3GS and ipad2 to OS 5.0.1 my process is always stopped on error 2005 i have spend the last three days google about it and the most common resolution suggested was to change the USB port or cable
    I have changes them several times tried on different computers and Operating systems( XP, windows 7, 32 and 64 bits; not mac OS) with 4 original cables and TinyUmbrella TSS server running yet i m not able to skip it.
    btw i have tried the turn off firewall option as well and still not working.

  • Solques36

    When will it be coming out?

  • Ramihanna9

    MR. Hacker !
    LOL !!

  • http://twitter.com/sizzleindex Gordon Dante Lizard

    fucker, quit teasing us with this bullshit title…if you don’t have the untethered 5.1, then STFU!

  • Kkkkk

    Well, go make a jailbreak for your self asshole

  • Jct134

    The titles does not mis-lead anyone.. Says they are working on the jailbreak
    Duh!! Maybe you need to STFU


  • Dtechautomotive

    my new 4s as come with 5.1 already loaded :(

  • L maroc bladi

    wa bqiti temma asahbi lol

  • Sweetloveboy1

    any body know . when can i get new jailbreak 4s 5.1 ??

  • Fuck you

    Why don’t you SHUT THE FUCK UP it is mid leading

  • Rosinoj

    youre a dork and a liar so shut your face..

  • Jct134

    Ummm… “mid leading” looks like you also need to learn to speak correct English..

    And how is “hackers WORKING on iOS 5.01 untethered jailbreak for iPhone 4S and ipad 2″ mean ANYTHING other than the FACT that “they” (not you) are working hard to get 5.01 jail broken??

    If your simple mind thinks that title is ANYWAY misleading, than you must still be in pull-ups and drinking from a bottle, you frickin retard.

  • Jct134

    5.1 not 5.01 (fat finger)

  • Rajaienassar

    I bout mine 2 days ago with 5.1 already on it :(

  • Darthjinxxx

    OMG PEOPLE ARE RETARDED…..DOES IT SAY A RELEASE DATE…..HAS ANY JAILBREAK EVER HAD A RELEASE DATE ANNOUNCED!?!?! No because i are working on it….jailbreaks are difficult….and these nice hackers figure it out and give it out free of charge….so stop fricken complaining!!

  • Darthjinxxx

    *they are working on it.

  • Darthjinxxx

    return it then go buy it at best buy….they all have 5.0.1 on them

  • Darthjinxxx

    make sure tho that still makes u eligible for an upgrade before hand…otherwise youll screw yourself

  • Darthjinxxx

    dumbass…read the title….WORKING ON!!!

  • Vman

    wow this is so retarded

  • Eyeoreoh

    Awaiting the 5.1 release!! Definitely looking forward to it. Thanks for all the hard work and efforts you guys put forth for us, don’t let a few bad unappreciative ass whipes spoil it for the rest of us who are thankful. God speed! (Please hurry, though lol)

  • theessentialRick

    Amen to Eyeoreoh below, yes I am awaiting gratefully the jailbreak for 5.1 on my 4S!! a BIG THX to ALL of your dedication to release this awesome software guys, MUCH Appreciated!!

  • Fizziecoke

    When it comes out you fucking dumbass! Read the fucking article.

  • Carlio Jesus

    when will the 4s 5.1 jailbreak come out?????

  • Figueroamanny

    It been out

  • Athurking

    they made it but now they want get money

  • Daveralo403256

    I’m new to jailbreak help me please…i need a untethered jailbreak for ipad2. I think it’s 5.1 firmware… cant do tethered jailbreak, too scared i will fuck it up. please help.

  • Daveralo403256

    plz help

  • Daveralo403256

    I’m wrong my the version is 5.1 please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • 20inchstrong

    Hey guys, luv ur work! Just wondering i have a iphone 4s, it came with 5.0.1 and accidently upgraded to 5.1, isthere any ways of going back to 5.0.1? Or has the jailbreak came for 5.1?

  • Sliuzz

    i have a iOS 5.1 ipod 4g and i want to jailbreak with greenpois0n but I think it’ll stuff up my iPod plz plz respond

  • JESS:)

    To be honest your all fucking retarded. Get a job and make some money so you don’t have to jailbreak your “IPHONES” If you’re not old enough to get a job, then maybe you should tell your parents that adopted you to give you some money! -Sigh- Gotta love poor people. :) Kay, thanks bye.

  • Kage

    1. says the one who searched on the internet for a iphone jailbreak……

    2. its legal, so why should we pay if we can get most things and even more than in appstore for free?

    well jess, go ask your adopted parents to give you a brain….cuz you need to get smarter and fast if you wanna survive in this fcked up society

  • Gary

    If Apple were to release the restrictions on their products and let users operate them at there full potential then a lot of people would not need to Jailbreak their phones. To me jailbreaking just opens up the potential of your device and not a means to run hacked software.


  • Ashcrane

    theres no jailbreak for 5.1 yet on the 4s and ipad2


    there is no jb for 5.1 yet dev team doesnt reccomend the tethered version so ur just gonna have to wait dude





  • Kellen_miller9

    Apple should by any real restrictions allow people to do whatever they want to do with the phone once they buy it. That includes downgrading software for what ever reason. Installing a completly different OS if that is what the owner of the phone wants. And sooner or later that will possible.

  • Guest

    you have no idea what youre talking about. obviously you dont know what jailbreaking actually is… it allows you to do things you cant pay for anyway. next time you should think before you open your mouth because you look like the retard

  • Donald

    Are you work for Apple? All hackers put up alot of times to do Jailbreaking and unlocking for us. If you work for Apple shut your mouth off.

  • Anonymous

    Jess: shut the hell up…so people don’t know you are stupid…
    you got money buy you can’t buy apps that jailbreak..go back to your mama

  • Zebra_verde

    jess Vai se F……

  • Zebra_verde


  • JB

    Jess, you twit. Many of the wealthy class choose to jailbreak too, because we can. It is completely legal babe. You really have no idea what a jailbreak is do you? Because it sounds criminal to your inept mind, or because Apple doesn’t like it means we are all broke…haha! There are many great apps you can buy when JB honey. Apple makes some great products but they are way too strict in their rules with many developers, and I imagine in the future with more options for consumers, they will change their position on this topic. Apple’s control and stance on JB are driven by greed alone. At the end of the day, sweetie, these products have much more capability than Apple cares to admit. Personally, I have found many useful features available only by JB. If all your simple mind can comprehend is that it is for use a a phone, you should go buy a flip phone, not try and appear to be chic or wealthy, or better than the rest of us, or use whatever rationale you have in that fantasy-land head of yours to justify having an iPhone. I have two, and they’re both jailbroken. JB forever!!