Siri Successfully Connected To Apple’s Servers On iPhone 4 (UPDATE: More Details!)

by Ahmed Omar on October 30, 2011

Yes, you read it absolutely right! A couple of hackers successfully got Siri connecting to Apple’s servers on an iPhone 4. The news comes from the iPhone developer Steven Troughton-Smith who was the first to be able to port Siri on iPhone 4 two weeks ago.

The well-known iPhone developer, @chpwn, worked with Troughton-Smith on Siri on iPhone 4. Chpwn tweeted that they’ve made great progress, then, after few minutes, he “Actually, it just worked.”

Troughton-Smith posted a screenshot from his iPhone 4 showing Siri responding and fully connected to Apple’s servers. That’s great news to everyone who owns an old device and want to get Siri on it. And of course, it’s a jailbroken iPhone 4 running iOS 5.

Earlier today, we’ve shown a guide to install Siri on all old devices but only GUI. In other words, you won’t get it connected to Apple’s servers. Now, after the above news, you’ll soon get Siri connected to Apple’s Servers on iPhone 4.

Now what? Well, you’ll surely need to wait some more time but not a lot. We’ll be back with guides as soon as the essential tools available for download. Follow me on and to get the news the moment it’s on the web!

UPDATE 1: iPhone developer Chpwn Siri running on iPod touch 4G:

UPDATE 2: The guys over 9to5mac could get an exclusive video that shows Siri fully working on an iPhone 4 compared to the iPhone 4S too.

Moreover, Mark Gurman interviewed the developer. Full interview below:

Mark: Where do you go from here with the port?

Steven: At this point it’s all about confirming this works across devices, making it reproducible (we got it working on two devices today), and documenting everything. It does require files from an iPhone 4S which aren’t ours to distribute, and it also requires a validation token from the iPhone 4S that has to be pulled live from a jailbroken iPhone 4S, and it’s about a 20-step process right now.

Mark: In its current state, is the port 100% functional, is there anything you would like to see work better?

Steven: Yes, it seems to be 100% functional. I’m working on the rough edges, but everything that works on the iPhone 4S seems to work here

Mark: Do you ever see Siri showing up in Cydia (or another jailbreak store) for non natively supported devices?

Steven: No, I could not be a part of that. I have no doubts that others will package this up and distribute it quasi-illegally, or try and sell it to people. I am only interested in the technology and making it work; proving that it works and works well on the iPhone 4 and other devices

Mark: So, you also got Siri working on the fourth-generation iPod touch, how is that working out?

Steven: We got chpwn’s iPod touch up and running with Siri after proving it works on my iPhone 4. Unfortunately the microphone on the iPod is nowhere near as good as the iPhone – you will notice that the Siri level meter hardly moves when you talk to it. While it does work, you have to speak loudly and clearly to the iPod

Mark: How long did porting take you, what was the “I got it” moment?

Steven: Basically, I already had everything I needed to make it work. I had spent a lot of time mapping out in my head exactly how Siri works on the iPhone. All I needed was access to a jailbroken iPhone 4S to put my hunch to the test. It literally took no longer than 10 minutes to put all the pieces in place and perform our first test on my iPhone 4, and it was an instant success.

(Source: )

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  • Pedro Paulo Polotto

    cant wait
    cant wait!

  • erick pajares balced

    OMFG! i can not wait no more! OMFG OMFG! :D ! I’m really so excited!

    <333 one question, I'm from South America & actually i can speak english but what about when SIRI is available in Spanish ? ¿will you guys support that language ?

    ¿ or anything else i can do for make it work on spanish when it'll be released ?

  • Carlos Gomes

    Oh noes!
    I bought my 4S to be better than the other iPhone guys :(

  • Josh

    haha buddy no more!

  • Josh

    This is mind blowing!! It’s unbelievable, I’ve been following this post since the day that Steven successfully ported it to his iPhone 4 but now randomly, I see this…I CANT wait. Earlier today I just finished porting the GUI of Siri onto my iPhone 4, now we can have the real thing…thank you guys!!!
    Us iPhone 4 users deserve it, especially those of us who paid more than the usual price for one around the time that it came out. Apple is just being plain greedy now… Siri couldve ran on the iPhone 4 (obviously) but they were too afraid of lack of sales and decided upon making the one feature exclusive to the 4S, sorry Apple, but your minor upgrades like the iPad 2 and the 4S arent necessary, especially when we have totally awesome hackers like these guys!!!!!

  • Msteright

    definitely stoked. i need an untethered ios5 first though. no way im giving up the stability and usage of my perfect i4…but can’t wait to ask siri a million questions and let her make appts for me.

  • Anonymous

    The easy part was porting it. Now figure out how to distribute it legally..

  • Marcelwilson96

    y legally?

  • Anonymous

    Do you want the dev team thrown in jail?

  • Payman Behravan

    these guys rock!!! m/ :D

  • Don

    anyone have an idea when this will be out?

  • Azalvarez03

    Oh yeah!! These guys rock!! Can’t wait have the GUI installed just waiting on token to make it official!! Wish the dev team and all the other hacks could / would accept donations!! Thanks to them all for the hard work!!

  • Ankitpreet3c

    but how too

  • bGaj

    First of all sorry for being so stupid
    If I jailbreak my iPhon 4 is it gonna work with iCloud and all the other stuff like find my iPhone ??

  • Joe Fo’Shizzle Emery


  • Dũng Đoàn

    exactly haha

  • Jewwhueh

    once upon a time … No its too long …. thanks siri? are u on drugs man? LOL!

  • Deviant Mac

    BRING it ON! thanks!

  • person287

    Because otherwise there would be no more jailbreaks EVER :(

  • Levilus

    Come ON! tell us how to do it!

  • Redul

    Yeah, this guys are doin’ a great job. But i know it will cost us much.

  • Garcia Tunon Nicolas

    Can’t wait! Great job to the hackers BTW!

  • A****P

    Great job guys!!!, i still waiting for some news about 04.11.08 unlock but there is nothing :( dont you know something about this guys?

  • Darionburt

    so excited thanks hackers you guys saved me 250$ for a ip4s

  • MacphistoMr

    Thanks all :)

  • Leeqicheng

    it will

  • jhaider

    Great Job (to say the very least) for showing that the iPhone 5 Processor (A5) was not necessary to get this working, as some would argue. Clearly Apple’s intentions were to sell the new, not much better than the old, phone, when their loyal customers were well deserving of a more impressive device.

    Siri is awesome!

  • William

    Hey when will this guide release ?

  • OuulalaNabil

    i havent heard anything either ): i bought a iphone 4 on ebay, and when i got it, it had ios5 out of the box, and i realized i couldnt unlock it as planned -.- so now im on at&t’s gopone service until an unlock is released.

  • Veryviral

    Cant wait for Siri to come on my I4

  • William

    Really waiting for this coming to my iPhone 4. When will the guide available ?

  • Mrbob

    So, it’s easy to do… 

  • Nguyenthanhhung19872004

    Thanks, i waiting for it.

  • Johnsonparker11

    “All we needed was a jailbroken iPhone 4s”
    Anyone else realize what else this means?

  • Gashsmasher1

    it seemed to me as a hint… to say get a iphone 4s lol

  • Hyy

    Man you are the best I port Siri GUI successfully into my iPhone 4 just waiting to connect it to apple server …I’m so happy thank you a lot

  • bGaj

    I think it means they are using iPhon 4S serial keys and other files to connect to the server. That is like the only way to cheat the server. In other words you will have to copy the file which contain these data from an iPhon 4s to your iPhon 4. So they will not be able to release it to the public.

  • KoreanBoii

    did it connect automatically??

  • FearlessFrank

    It means unless someone “donates” the required file(s):
    A) We all have to wait for the 4s jailbreak
    B) We may need our own 4s because the said file needed is unique to every 4s.
    C) Because of B, surely any publicly released files will quickly be blocked by Apple as 20,000 requests from what looks like one device from their end, will surely raise eyebrows…

  • Clyde

    Could somebody link me to the untethered JB please?

  • wujeming

    the sentence is just expressed where the “I got it” idea came from and jailbreak 4s was the important factor to made it succeeded!

  • Applespy

    I have sources at Apple, Siri is coming on the iPhone4. Once the Beta is over it’ll be everywhere. The TV rumours are correct, soon you’ll sit on your couch and say Siri, change channel, turn volume down. Soon Siri will do everything for you. Apples will soon release their new slogan which is “Can’t Someone Else Do It?” ‘

    Well yep, Siri can, with the right accessories Siri will also take out your trash (iFat), mow the lawn (iLazy) and even pick up your dogs poo (iPoo) with right accessory. I can’t really talk about it but we are testing Siri in a automated self driving car too, the iLost. Release is slated for 2020. You heard it here first. ;)

  • Bennyboy1994

    agreed very much lol

  • KoreanBoii

    lol 2020

  • BlackSeven

    Where did you get that info ?

  • zTiK

    Err, no. If you go out and get a 4S then what would be the point in transferring the files to your old iPhone 4?

  • Dre

    I can confirm this guys its true

  • Asher Khan

    AWESOME!!! ITS TRUE!! GUI is Out :( sadly its not the real thing!! but hey!!! It might Come THIS WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHOOO HOOOOO!!

  • Asher Khan

    ITS BEEN 2 SECONDS I CANT WAIT LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • andrew

    1,?2,?3,?4,?5,?6 november ??

  • donkeyPunch


    Seriously is it that hard!?

    1: An untethered JB for iOS 5 does not exist.
    2: There is, however, a SemiTethered JB.
    3: You can find it by SEARCHING!!
    4: Youre a tard!

  • Bell Slave

    A little much? Poor dude just asked.. You’re an ASSHOLE. LOL

  • Niels Meima

    I can’t get it working. Voicecontroll keeps poppinp up… Can someone help me?

  • Anardash

    this will never release unless someone leaks it

  • Anardash

    this will never release unless someone leaks it

  • Chris Silich

    No, I’m with donkeyPunch. We all did our own research, but this guy wants to skip all the work and have someone hand it to him. Same thing happens on every hack forum, it’s annoying as shit. Once he gets the info, do you think this lazy fuck will repost it, help others, etc? No, and he probably posted the same question in 20 comment or forum threads, and even if he finds an answer, we won’t go back and mark them as resolved, or post the resolution for others.

  • Niels Meima

    Now i’m in a resping loop… can someone help me?

  • Tiindustriestech

    What a fat bunch of shit.
    IPoo? Really?!?

  • Dtadtrg

    siri will only be on the iphone 4s so get over it

  • Mike

    I love how you say that when it was just proved above to work on other devices. XD

  • Ryan

    Yes, the AssistantServices.Framwork folder doesn’t work if you downloaded the Siri GUI folder, search “AssistantServices.Framwork” without quotes of course, and download the working file from Mediafire. Works, just cant connect to Apple Servers yet.

  • Ryan

    For all the people with a problem, that being that after you put all the files on your iPhone, you still get Voice Control. The problematic file is the AssistantService.Framework that you downloaded. This file came in the folder Siri GUI from anywhere you downloaded it. Follow the step by step guide from any website, but instead of putting the AssistantService.Framework folder into your iPhone, google search “AssistantService.Framework”, without quotes of course, and download it from mediafire. This file folder works. If you are still confused, 1. Download the Siri GUI folder. 2. Download the AssistantService.Framework from google(mediafire). 3. Follow the steps on any website, but use the AssistantService.Framework folder from step 2 and NOT step 1.
    Note: Do this at your own risk. But it worked for me.

  • AJ

    Can someone that had tried it, tell me if it actually works? Please reply only if you have tried it and talked into the microphone, and it replied back. I want to know if it works and dont want to mess up my phone. Thanks!

  • Teamtazzhove

    Gonna install the GUI tomorrow ..on my 3GS I’ll tell u how it goes

  • Cg

    do not will mess up your 3gs

  • AJ

    Thanks, I really appreciate it.

  • AJ

    Also, thanks alot!

  • Mail

    it would be nice, when the suggests of the Siri GUI running…?!?

  • Mail

    What can i do with the GUI?

  • Mike

    Nothing :P

  • Jack Donker

    You can unlock it for $4,80 with a turbo unlock sim. It works great bought it from dealextreme. It is really no fake. Just do a research ;)

  • Lobello97

    i know how to fix that but u need iphonebrowser or like ifile cus it happened to me

  • Lobello97

    guys if u want siri gui the easiest way go to youtube and go to my channel called Gbello97, i show u how to get it using cydia

  • David Miller

    I will install all this once we can talk to Apple’s servers on my 4.

  • Bumsnnoses

    apple is testing performance on the iphone 4 (siri) lets hope they find it satisfactory enough to just release it in ios 5.0.1

  • Aamir98

    What is the video called

  • Asshole

    If there are some videos with the Siri installed in some idevice, why do not they post the files necessaries for iinstalling the Siri in ours idevice like them? Fuck everybody

  • Adesina12

    I have solution to iphone 4s jail breaking

  • bigZz

    nice siri at 4th iPod Touch

  • Mohammad Al-ahdal

    Because these guys are “abiders of apple law” therefor they want to make sure it is legal first… greatest minds doing opposite in order to achieve the opposite of the path in their blindness of the law abide-less-ness (in other word people doing what not be wanting doing for it be fascinating)

  • Mohammad Al-ahdal

    haha lol in reply to … lol

  • Lord Singh

    Guys GUI is a duplicate of siri with everything the same but the features are inoperative so why would you risk breaking your iphone on a GUI I Say wait for the full hack tutorial

  • Wisico563

    By shearching, you’re not really better than him, go and do your own hacks, now you’ll have the right to talk…

  • Edadame01

    use the christopolous link to get the gui. works, i have it on mine

  • Guest

    biggest load of bullshit i’ve ever seen.

  • jjujj

    I dunno about you, but I wouldn’t want a company like Apple trying to sue me for redistributing their files illegally. I mean if you want to do that go for it. And then I’ll laugh when you get thrown in prison.

  • rm1996

    when will the gui be able to connect to apple servers on other idevices, i.e iphone 3gs, 4?